“What do you want me to do?” The photo shakes a little in my fingers. I don't want to take out a rival. However, I can't think of another reason why my aunt would be handing me a Russo Family photograph.

“I want you to marry him.”

That is not what I was expecting. I nearly drop the photo. “What?”

“The Russos want to join our family to theirs.” My aunt stands from her desk and starts walking around her office. “We have the money. They have the prestige. Imagine what doors this will open.”

“But you want me to marry him,” I repeat. I look down at the photo and can't decide how I feel about this. It's definitely better than having to kill him.

“You of course have a choice,” my aunt assures me. “You can always say no.”

I don't even bother to roll my eyes. Of course I have the choice to hurt the family and go against their wishes. I have the choice to let down the only people I have ever trusted. I also have the choice to walk around naked in Times Square in the middle of winter.

None of those are really choices.

“Marrying him helps the family?” I ask, picking up the picture and trying to imagine a life with this person. There are arranged marriages all the time. It would certainly make my dating life easier.

Aunt Sophia nods. “Combining the Savio and Russo Families will make us the dominate force on the East Coast. We have the money. They have the connections. Together, we'll be unstoppable. No more dock skirmishes. No more fights. Just more business.”

I like the idea. It certainly would be good for the family. With the Russo name backing us, a lot of new money making opportunities open up.

I look at the photo. I could do worse than this man with serious dark eyes. As long as he's kind to me and mine, I can make it work. There are worse marriages out there. I've had my taste of love and it has left me bitter.

I throw caution to the winds. This is my chance to shine for my family.

“Okay. I'll do it.”

Aunt Sophia's eyebrows raise. “Really?” She didn't expect me to agree so easily.

“It helps the family,” I say, setting down the photo. “I know that you've made sure he's a decent match.”

Aunt Sophia nods. “He is. He's mafia, but everyone says he'll treat you right.”

That meant that he was dangerous, but not to me. He was my kind of dangerous. Mob dangerous.

“I'll take care of everything.” Aunt Sophia takes the photo and places it back in her desk. “You'll meet him in a couple of days. He still has to agree to you.”

I grin at her. “Come on, everybody wants me.”

My aunt cracks a smile. “There's turkey in the fridge for you.” She motions with her head to the small refrigerator in the corner of her office and my smile widens.

“Thanks, Aunt Sophia,” I say, standing up.

She offers me her cheek and I give her a kiss. For a moment, the stern boss look fades and for a moment she is my aunt. Those moments are rare these days.

“Go get out of here before your uncle hears you were at the warehouse again,” she scolds me, but her voice is kind.

I flash her a grin and grab a Tupperware container full of her delicious turkey before heading out of her office. Ethan is waiting for me.

“See, she did want to give me turkey,” I tell him, holding up the container.

He rolls his eyes and walks ahead of me toward the car. I smile at his back and try not to think of what I just agreed to do.

Chapter 3

My apartment is in the outskirts of New York City. It's close enough to have all the comforts of the city, but far enough away that the traffic is only mostly horrendous. Ethan drives like a cabbie and gets me home in record time.

I live on the fifth floor of an older building. I love this place. It's nicer than anything me and my mom ever had. I lived with my aunt and uncle in the 'burbs, but I never felt at home there. I like the feel and the noise of the city. I like knowing there are always people around me. It makes me feel safe.