Emma couldn’t help but gasp. So did several reporters.

“If you’ll please turn your attention to the screen here,” Jackson said, motioning to a flat screen TV near him. He clicked a small button and the screen came to life. “This is security footage from a small sailboat in the dock. It was overlooked at first, but as with many good things, it warranted a second look.”

Emma wondered if he meant something more by that statement, but didn’t have time to ponder it as the security footage began to roll.

Everything was black and white, but the balcony of the yacht club was easily visible. The man talking on his phone was clearly Jackson. She could even see the soft smile as he spoke before hanging up the phone.

Every eye in there watched as a woman approached him. He took a step back. She came forward. He retreated further. She grabbed his arm, and he visibly stiffened. Up on stage, Emma could see Jackson stiffen along with his video counterpart.

Video Jackson pulled away, clearly turning to leave. The woman reached up, forcing a kiss that lastly hardly seconds before Jackson clearly pushed her away. It was obvious he was angry as he stormed inside.

The film clip ended, freezing on the woman looking out of the balcony and giving a thumbs up sign.

Emma had believed him when he said he didn’t kiss the woman, but some part of her had wondered. He was known for his love of women and not caring if they were in a relationship or not. To see it on screen, clearly showing that everything he had told her was true, made it finally feel real.

“As you can see, the picture doesn’t tell the whole story,” Jackson said, into the microphone.

Emma was glad. He was safe again. He could keep his new image and the company would be successful because of it. She would play her part, even if it broke her.

It was still too little, too late for their relationship. He should have told her what happened that night. She would never have blamed him for this. She would have helped him fight it. But, he didn’t. He chose to keep this from her, and that was why she was angry.

She couldn’t trust him if he kept things from her. If he kept this to himself, what other things was he hiding? She couldn’t afford the pain.

“I want to make something very, very clear here,” Jackson continued. His eyes now went directly to Emma. “I love my fiancée.”

She didn’t move. This she expected.

“I didn’t tell her when it first happened,” Jackson continued. “You see, Emma is the kindest, gentlest, and best soul I’ve ever met. I was afraid to tell her that my past history had caught up to me. I was embarrassed, because I didn’t feel I deserved her. Especially after all the things I’ve done. I will never keep anything from her, ever again.”

The reporters were suddenly very quiet. Emma felt like a small spotlight was on her, but she didn’t dare look away from Jackson’s eyes. This was something special. He was putting himself out there, publicly for her.

“I want to take this opportunity, to publicly tell her that I’m sorry. That I don’t deserve someone as amazing as Emma in my life. That she’s more than I ever could have hoped and dreamed of. She’s my everything.” His voice shook slightly. “I love you, Emma.”

Emma’s breath came in short pants as her body forgot how to breathe properly. But, he wasn’t done yet.

“Emma, I want you to know that what we have is worth more than anything to me.” He swallowed. “I want to rip up our contract and just have it be us.”

Emma’s heart lurched and the stopped in her chest. It was a good thing she was sitting down, because she felt her legs turn to jelly. This was more than just an apology. Going in front of the world and telling every single person that he had failed was more than she expected. It was the ultimate form of apology for him.

She felt more than saw the cameras turn to her. Many of them had looks of confusion on their faces, but she didn’t notice. The only thing she saw know was Jackson.

“I want us to be a real family,” Jackson continued. “I want you to know that I choose you not because I have to, but because I want to. Because I love you.”

He took a step closer to her.

“And I tell you this now, here, so that the whole world can know.” He smiled at her. “I want every man on Earth to know that you’re mine.”

A tear trickled down her cheek. “Jackson,” she whispered.

“Please be mine,” he said, his voice catching at the end with emotion.

The entire audience held their breath, waiting for her to respond. She looked up at the stage, seeing only his beautiful green eyes. He loved her and now the whole world knew it.

He wanted it to be real. He wanted their relationship to be more than just a contract. He was visibly nervous. He was afraid she would say no to him. He didn’t have control this time.

“Yes,” she whispered. This was a real proposal. This was what love looked like. It wasn’t fancy fireworks and diamond rings. It was promises and honesty. It was understanding and compromise.

She stood slowly to her feet. She wasn’t quite sure how she got to the stage, but suddenly she was standing across from him with only a few feet between them. The reporters and the stage disappeared from her mind.