“Right. Because the image I saw certainly looks like a man pushing away the woman with her tongue down his throat,” Jane agreed sarcastically.

“I didn’t kiss her,” he growled back. “Do you really think I would do something so stupid?”

“Do you really want me to answer that?” Jane asked, putting her hands on her hips.

Jackson sighed. “I didn’t kiss her. This was a setup. I called and told you that.”

“You told me that there might be an issue. This is far more than what you let on.” Jane stomped over to his desk. She placed her hands on the smooth finish and leaned over the flat surface. “Look me in the eye and tell me that you didn’t do this.”

Jackson raised his gaze to meet hers. “I swear to you on my father’s grave, I didn’t kiss that woman. She kissed me and I pushed her away. This was not consensual.”

Jane evaluated him for a moment, deciding if he was telling the truth.

“I wouldn’t do this to Emma,” Jackson said softly. He looked away from Jane and down at his hands. “I love her.”

“I believe you,” Jane said after a moment. She sighed and flopped into one of the chairs facing the desk. “The problem is, it’s a good picture. It’s very clearly you and the woman made it look hot and steamy.”

“Emma moved out,” Jackson said softly.

“When?” Jane asked, sitting up.

“Just now. The housekeeper messaged me.” Jackson looked up. “I haven’t had a chance to speak to her. She’s not answering my calls.”

“And you’re sitting here because?” Jane asked, motioning to the room.

“I don’t know what to do. I’ve never had to win back a girl.” Jackson sighed. “I never cared to before.”

“You realize she’s the least of your problems, right?” Jane asked. “Your stock is plummeting. The board of directors is screaming for your head.”

“Emma is my first priority,” Jackson said firmly. He set his mouth. “She’s pregnant.”

“You have got to be kidding me.” Jane pinched the bridge of her nose like she was getting a headache. Jackson certainly had one. “You just cheated on your pregnant fiancée?”

“I didn’t cheat,” Jackson growled.

“To the public, you did. They don’t know it was staged,” she replied. “This is bad. Does anyone else know?”

Jackson shook his head. “Just the doctors. We wanted to wait to announce it.”

Jane pursed her lips. “The doctors can’t legally tell anyone, so we’re okay there. I’m glad one of you was thinking ahead. I’m guessing it was Emma.”

Jackson nodded.

Jane rubbed her temples. “Tell me exactly how this happened. Maybe I can think of something.”

“I went to a dinner party at the yacht club. Emma was supposed to attend, but she hasn’t been feeling well. I went out on the balcony to call her. I spoke to her. Just as I finished with the call, this woman comes up claiming to be a student.”

“And you didn’t think that was odd?” Jane asked. “That a gorgeous woman has you alone?”

“Honestly? No.” Jackson shrugged. “Two months ago, it was normal. Two months ago, I would have taken her home without a second thought. This has happened to me before, just with very different results.”

“And she kissed you?”

Jackson nodded. “She made sure to turn me to the best light. And then she kissed me. I pushed her away, but the damage was done.”

“It only takes a fraction of a second to take that photo,” Jane agreed. She sighed. “It was the yacht club down on Vine and Sea-star?”

Jackson nodded.