“So you’re enjoying watching a show full of people you hate?”

“Yes, but only because I know they aren’t real people,” she replied. “It’s like getting to gossip without hurting anyone. I get my fix of crazy without actually interacting with the crazy.”

“You know that makes absolutely no sense, right?” He shook his head and looked out at the dark water. Some of the docked yachts had people sitting out on the decks enjoying drinks and having conversations.

“Forty million people can’t be wrong,” Emma replied. He could hear her smile over the phone.

He sighed and shook his head. This was something he was going to have to live with. His future wife enjoyed horrible television. He smiled, knowing it could be so, so much worse.

“So, how’s the party?” Emma asked. He heard the TV lower in the background.

“It’s wonderful,” he told her. “I’m glad I came. I ran into an old friend and I have some wine for you to try later.”

“I can’t have wine for awhile,” she reminded him. “But thank you anyway.”

His heart skipped a beat. He was still coming to terms with the fact that she was pregnant. So much was going to change.

“Right. Next year then,” he said. “You feeling better?”

“The tea is helping. But laying down is helping the most.”

“How long is this supposed to last again?” he asked, leaning against the porch railing. “I’m having a good time, but I’d be having more fun if you were here.”

“According to the doctor, the nausea should stop in the second trimester. So, I have two more months of this crap. But, I should be good for all the Christmas parties, at least.”

“Then I will make sure you go to all of them.” He heard the TV volume go up at little bit and realized she was still trying to watch her show. He should go back to the party anyway. “I’m going to be home in a few hours.”

“Okay. Wake me up when you get back. I...” She paused, stopping her words from coming out. He knew she was going to say, “I love you,” but since he hadn’t said it back yet, she didn’t want to pressure him.

He wanted to make it special. She deserved to feel like a princess when he said it. He wanted her to never doubt it and the only way he knew how to make that happen was to make it an amazing event. The trip to the mountains would do it.

He would just love her without saying the words and screwing everything up until then.

“I’ll see you soon,” she said. “Have a great night. I love you.”

“You too,” he replied warmly. He clicked off the phone and looked down at her picture on his screen. He smiled at her image. “I love you.”

He sighed and looked out at the water again. He could hear murmurs of conversation on the various yachts and soft sounds of music and conversation from inside the club house. The stars shone down on the porch, twinkling in the darkness.

“I’m so sorry to bother you,” a soft feminine voice said from behind him. “But, are you Jackson Weathers?”

Jackson turned to see a young woman in a stunning red dress. It fit her every curve, hinting at smooth skin underneath. It was sexy without being slutty. He wondered immediately where he could get Emma a dress just like it.

“I am,” he replied, tucking his phone into his pocket.

“Oh my gosh.” She grinned and looked like she might bounce off the porch with excitement. “I was so hoping you’d be here tonight. I’ve wanted to meet you forever.”

Jackson smiled at her. It was always nice to meet a fan. “And you are?”

“Alexa,” she replied, grinning and tucking a perfect golden curl behind her ear. She reached out her hand. “I’m a business student at the local college, and you are such an inspiration.”

He shook her hand firmly, noticing the way her cheeks flushed at his touch. Two months ago, he would have been figuring out if he wanted to take her to his apartment or a hotel bed. She was beautiful and obviously attracted to him. He knew that all he had to do was smile and she would do whatever he wanted.

Except he didn’t want her. Alexa was beautiful and obviously attracted to him, but he didn’t want to take her to any of his beds.

He released her hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, Alexa,” he told her. She held onto his hand for an extra moment.

“Could I ask you a couple of questions?” She smiled up at him. “Like I said, I’m a business student. I was wondering if you could give me a couple of tips.”