“It’s a good thing I didn’t want to wait then, isn’t it?” He leaned over and kissed her forehead. He was going to marry her next week. Who cared about the dress when he felt this happy?

Chapter 29


* * *

He was going to be a father.

As he kissed Emma, knowing that he was going to marry this woman in just a couple short weeks, he felt happy.

Not just happy. Joy. Pure joy.

He was in love with the most beautiful woman on the planet, she loved him, and she was carrying their child. He didn’t know that it was possible to have a heart this full and not have it burst. He felt like he could fly his chest was so full of light.

He was going to be a father.

He kissed her, wanting her to know just how much he cared. Jackson was good with words in the boardroom and when negotiating, but when it came to emotions, he didn’t know what to say. It had never mattered before now.

He’d never cared for another person like this.

So, instead of words he kissed her. He let his tongue show her instead of speaking.

It started out as a sweet kiss. It started out pure and wonderful. And then it grew from there. Lust colored the edges of their kiss, slowly creeping in and making things deeper. He wanted more than just to kiss her.

She pulled back, her eyes big and dark. Her soul was there, watching him. She smiled and flushed.

“You are so beautiful,” he told her. He meant it. In that moment, he couldn’t think of another woman that he found more lovely than her. She was perfect in his eyes.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she teased, her voice husky. She bit her lower lip, and grinned at him in an obvious invitation for more.

“Come with me,” he said, standing from the couch and taking her hand. She followed him willingly to the bedroom, where he shut the door, keeping the lights low. Summer sunshine still brightened everything, but it was cool and comfo

rtable in here.

He took her to the bed. From there, he carefully pulled her over-sized shirt up and over her head. She giggled as he tossed it to the floor. He was glad to see she didn’t cover herself, despite the fact that the sunshine made her skin glow.

She wasn’t embarrassed in front of him anymore. It made his heart happy.

He knelt before her, tugging on her cotton panties until they fell around her ankles. She giggled as he kissed the spot just below her bellybutton. Their child was growing in there. The little baby was going to be beautiful like its mother. It didn’t matter if it was a boy or a girl, Jackson loved it with all his heart already.

“Lay down,” he commanded, his voice soft. She smiled as she crawled into the big bed. Her dark hair spilled across the pillow and her eyes followed his every movement. He stripped for her, making sure to give her a little bit of a show in the process.

He loved her low giggle and the way she rubbed her legs together as she watched him. He’d never worried about his appearance, but knowing that she found him attractive was addictive.

He started at her feet, kissing each toe and up to her ankles. Every inch of her skin was worth worshiping. He lavished kisses, loving on her soft skin as he made his way up her calves, kissing each knee, and onto her thighs. She stilled as he kissed her hip bones, holding still for him.

He could smell her desire, but he wasn’t going to stop his kisses there.

He kissed her belly, her ribs, her breasts. She hummed with pleasure as he kissed the spot between her shoulder and neck. He kissed her arms down to the palms of her hands. She was so beautiful he was sure he would run out of kisses before he could match her beauty to them.

“Jackson,” Emma whispered. She reached out and put her hand to his cheek. She didn’t need to say more. He could see it in her eyes what she wanted.

She wanted him.

Carefully, he positioned himself over her. She looked up at him with complete adoration as he nudged her legs just a little bit wider. He was hard now. It was impossible not to be hard while he kissed her body.

The low ache in his belly told him just how badly he wanted her. It didn’t matter that she already carried his child. He wanted to fill her with his seed again and again and again. He wanted to make sure that every creature on the planet knew that she was his.