And that was just fine by him.

He sighed and checked his watch. It was still early and he wanted to let her sleep. He glanced at the table and saw a wedding magazine. She’d told him that she was giving the wedding planner and Jane free rein to make the wedding the perfect.

He knew she preferred a small ceremony, but that she was going to give him the big, elaborate wedding he wanted. She was willing to give up her dream wedding to give him, and his company, what they needed. He didn’t know many women who would be willing to do that.

How had he found someone that was so willing to work with him and give him exactly what he needed? Not just in the bedroom, but in daily life and in business?

He loved her.

The thought came out of nowhere. It was a good thing he was sitting down because he felt a little lightheaded just thinking it.

Yet, it rang with truth. Just thinking the words made his body tighten and relax at the same time. He’d never felt anything like this for anyone in his life. He knew without a doubt that he would die for her. He would do anything to make her happy.

He would give up his company to be with her. If the board of directors came to him and told him that it was her or his position, he would give up his job in a heartbeat. He wouldn’t even think twice.

He loved her.

Jackson leaned back against the couch, breathless with his revelation. He wanted to run into the bedroom and tell her. He wanted to shout it from the rooftops and post it on every social media outlet there was. He seriously considered hiring a sky-writing plane just because the world would know that he loved her.

But all those things were just show. He wanted to do something more. He wanted to give her something.

Jewelry? She didn’t wear much. It wasn’t important to her. She would ooh and ahh over it, but it wouldn’t mean anything special.

He’d already given her a flower-shop of roses. She’d loved them, but it wasn’t what he was looking for.

A food? A car? A lion with a golden leash?

What would make her smile and know that he cared? He sighed, racking his brain and looking around the apartment for inspiration. His eyes settled on the picture of mountains.

She wanted to see mountains.

He picked up his phone and started making plans. It couldn’t be this week as he couldn’t get out of business obligations, but he could take her in two weeks. The Swiss Alps would be perfect. He knew a little place that they could share a magical time.

This would be a wonderful surprise. He didn’t want to tell her just yet. He would whisk her away on a private jet and have her open her eyes to the surprise of a lifetime. It was the perfect gift.

He could already see her smile in his mind as he sent emails to his secretary to start booking things. He smiled as he added a small wedding ceremony to the itinerary. It would be just for the two of them. A mountain wedding of her dreams. The one she actually wanted.

They could still have the big one later, and the press could have all the pictures they wanted, but he would give her the private ceremony on top of a mountain that she wanted. That she deserved. Something for just the two of them.

A real wedding. He wanted a real wedding, because he loved her. And this relationship was no longer about the contract and business anymore.

Chapter 28


* * *

Jackson heard the door to the bedroom open and the soft footsteps of Emma as she emerged from the bedroom. It wasn’t a moment too soon. He’d just finished on the phone setting up the site for his surprise wedding to Emma. He felt giddy with excitement.

“I can’t believe I slept so late,” Emma mumbled, stumbling out into the sunshine. “Did you sleep as well as I did?”

“Better,” he assured her.

She came over and kissed the top of his head. “You never stop working, do you?” she asked, motioning to the phone in his hands.

“I didn’t wake you, did I?” He hoped she hadn’t heard him talking on the phone.

She shook her head. “No. My need for coffee woke me.” She squeezed his shoulder and walked to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee.