“Yes, you. You are still planning on having one, right?”

“Yes,” Jackson said. The baby was still far away though. He had time. Emma wasn’t pregnant yet, so it was fine.

“Then, we get a picture of you holding the baby and looking lovingly at Emma,” Jane replied with a confident shrug. She smiled and her eyes went distant. “The focus groups will eat it up.”

“If you say so. Schedule it with my secretary.”

Jane’s eyes came back into focus as she looked him over.

“You’re different,” she said, a slight frown creasing her forehead.

“I’m exactly the same,” he assured her.

“No. You’re happier. You’ve smiled more today than I think I’ve ever seen. You’ve kept your temper. If this is because of Emma, I change my order. I don’t want just six of her anymore. I want a full dozen.”

Jackson laughed. “Maybe I just like my business being successful.”

Jane shook her head. “No, it’s more than that. You’re happy. Deep in your soul kind of happy.”

“If you say so,” Jackson replied, laughing her off. Jane shrugged, and left his office with a smile on her face.

As the door closed, Jackson wondered if Jane was right. Was he happier? Was it because of Emma?

He certainly looked forward to going home now. He didn’t want to stay at the office until he couldn’t see straight. He didn’t want to go through his phone and find the numbers to the ballerinas he used to enjoy. He’d actually deleted all of them.

Now, if he wanted to see ballerinas, it was because he wanted to take Emma to the ballet.

He shook his head, trying to clear the strange thoughts. He was a playboy. That was who he was. He had accepted this a long time ago. He was never going to find love, but he was going to enjoy every moment of searching.

But what if he had found someone worth changing for? Someone to end the search?

He shook his head. He wasn’t that lucky. That wasn’t what the fates had in store for him. He was enjoying Emma. They were friends. He pushed away the warmth that grew around his heart when he thought of her.

It wasn’t love. He wasn’t the kind to fall in love.

He was just happy that everything was going to plan. Emma was working her bubbly, happy magic that would get mothers to trust his products again, and she made him smile. It was a win-win situation all around. That’s why he was happy.

Jackson leaned back in his chair and smiled at the ceiling. With Emma helping him, what could possibly go wrong?

Chapter 24


* * *

The rest of the work day went smooth as silk. Sales were up. Stocks were up. The investors were happy. The board of directors was happy. There was no talk of replacing him.

Plus, he was taking Emma out to dinner tonight. He knew this amazing little sushi place that could fit them in a back corner where no one would bother them. He was going to eat sushi and laugh with Emma until he burst.

Jackson’s day couldn’t be better.

“Mrs. Bales, have a fabulous evening,” he called to his secretary as he left the office. The clock read just after f


“You too, Mr. Weathers,” Mrs. Bales called out after him. “I made those reservations you asked for. Everything is set, just like you requested.”

Jackson turned and grinned at her. “Thank you.”