“Wow,” Emma whispered, standing next to the window and looking out at the field. Any closer and she’d need to wear cleats. “I didn’t even know there were seats like this.”

“You said you liked baseball games,” Jackson replied, settling into one of the recliner chairs.

“Yeah, but I usually get the nosebleed seats,” Emma said, turning to smile at him. “You know, the ones the grocery stores say you ‘won’ for buying enough groceries that month?”

“I can get you one of those seats.” Jackson moved like he was getting up.

“No, nope. This is good, I’m happy,” she assured him. He grinned and relaxed back in his seat.

Jackson pressed a button on the side of the chair. Within seconds, there was a polite knock on the door and a man in a blue and gold polo shirt opened the door.

“How can I help you?” the man asked. “My name is Joe, and I’ll be your private service tonight.”

“Hello Joe,” Jackson greeted him. “I’ll have my usual.”

“Of course, Mr. Weathers. It’s always a pleasure to have you here,” Joe replied warmly. He turned to Emma. “And for you, miss?”

“Um, what do you have?” Emma asked. She was used to shelling out ten bucks for a single foamy cup of beer at these games, but beer wasn’t something she should be drinking today.

Joe quickly handed her a menu that was four pages thick. Every beer Emma could think of was listed, along with wine, mixed drinks, sodas, and every food she’d ever seen offered in the stadium and then some.

“I’ll have a ginger ale and some of the Stingray Special fries,” she said after a moment.

“Excellent choice,” Joe replied. “I’ll have those right down.”

“Joe’s the best,” Jackson told Emma as the door swung shut behind their server. “I always request him for these games.”

Before Emma had a chance to respond, Joe was back with a large beer and hot dog for Jackson and the soda and fries for Emma. She wasn’t sure how he’d gotten them so fast. He wasn’t even out of breath.

“Can I get you anything else?” Joe asked, smiling at the two of them.

“No,” Jackson replied. He held the hot dog and smiled as he took a bite. “Perfect as always, Joe.”

“Please let me know if you need anything,” Joe told them. He nodded politely and disappeared behind the door again.

“Does he just wait out there for us to call him?” Emma asked, looking at the door.

“I’m not sure what he does,” Jackson replied, his mouth full of food. “Come sit down. The game’s about to start.”

Emma took her food and drink and sat down in the comfortable chairs. She could see everything. It made the baseball game so much more fun when she was in the same position as the umpire to call strike or ball. In just a couple of innings she was yelling at the glass when she disagreed with the umpire.

“You should slow down on those drinks,” Jackson teased. “I think they’re going to your head.”

“It’s just ginger ale,” she scoffed. Then she blushed. “I’m getting a little animated, aren’t I?”

Jackson chuckled. “You’re having fun.”

She grinned at him and sat back down. “Thank you for this. I’m having a lot of fun.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

“Well, as long as you’re having a good time, you should check out the mega-tron,” Jackson told her, pointing to the giant TV for the stadium.

Emma frowned slightly, but looked to where he pointed. In big letters she slowly read the words that she knew she’d never forget.


“Jackson?” Emma turned from the TV to find Jackson down on one knee. He had a small black box open to her with the biggest diamond Emma had ever seen in her life.

“Emma Sheridan, will you marry me?” he asked, a confident grin on his face.