“Max,” the man replied. He smiled in what she assumed was supposed to be a friendly smile, but it felt more like looking at a shark. “Max Singleton.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Max,” Emma told him. “Would you excuse me for a moment?”

Emma gave him a short smile and turned to step away. Something told her that if Jackson and her plan were to work, she needed to get away from this man as quickly as possible.

“No, I won’t actually,” Max replied, catching her arm. “I have far too many questions. Where in the world did Jackson find you? You’re perfect.”

“Excuse me?” Emma pulled her arm away from him hard enough to hurt.

“You’re the perfect fake wife,” Max replied. “Cute, bubbly, and you probably want a whole litter of kids. What did Jackson promise you? I hope it wasn’t his faithfulness. He’s not exactly known for that.”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” Emma said, trying to keep her voice calm even though she felt like screaming. This man had seen right through her. “Jackson and I are very much in love.”

“You almost sound like you believe it.” Max chuckled. He pointed a finger at her. “You’re good. You’re really good. If I didn’t know he needed an image change, I would believe it. You are an amazing actress. Really.”

Emma stumbled back from the man. She crashed into another couple, spilling the woman’s drink all over her expensive dress. The woman was thin and gorgeous with long, straight, platinum hair and a body that belonged as a centerfold of a swimsuit magazine. The man beside her looked furious at the interruption and Emma felt like crying.

She’d been doing so well up until now. Emma wished she could melt into the floor and disappear.

“Do you know who I am?” the woman shouted at her. “Do you know who designed this dress you just ruined?”

“I am so sorry,” Emma apologized. “Please, let me go get some napkins--”

“You think napkins are going to fix this?” The woman scoffed at her. “You obviously don’t belong here.”

Emma’s mouth opened, but she couldn’t think of anything to say. The only upside was that Max had disappeared. Although, he was probably just hiding in the shadows and laughing as she floundered and failed.

“I am so, so, sorry, miss.” Emma’s face was hot with shame. She couldn’t even see the wet spot on the woman’s black dress anymore, but that didn’t matter. She was failing at her one mission at this party: to get people to like and believe her.

“I can’t believe Jackson would bring a nobody like you,” the woman sneered.

Emma stood there, helpless.

“Kristy, how nice to see you,” Jackson said, magically showing up at Emma’s elbow. He took her hand and tucked it into the crook of his arm.

Relief at being saved filled her, followed promptly by shame. This Max fellow knew the truth and now she’d managed to ruin this woman’s dress. This was exactly what Jackson didn’t need.

“Jackson, did you see what your little girlfriend just did to my dress?” The word girlfriend hurled from the woman’s mouth like an insult, making Emma wince.

“Kristy, there’s nothing there,” Jackson replied smoothly. “Much like my desire to speak with you.”

Emma’s mouth opened a little in shock. Jackson never spoke that way to her. Jackson went to turn and walk away. Emma was all to happy to follow along.

“Jackson, I know that you still want me,” Kristy replied, her voice dark and full of seduction. Emma watched as the man who had been standing beside Kristy turned his head and looked surprised.

“No, I don’t. Once was more than enough and I never make the same mistake twice,” Jackson replied, his voice light and cheerful. He leaned toward the man. “Be careful with this one, friend. She’s a tiger in the sack, but she’s gone through two rich husbands. You sure you want to be hubby number three?”

“Jackson!” The woman switched tactics, going to angry rather than seductive. Even angry, she was gorgeous.

“Come on Emma, we have better places to be,” Jackson replied with a polite smile as if the woman hadn’t just shouted at him. He turned, pulling Emma with him, and walked away.

Emma followed, surprised at how calm he appeared even while the woman shouted after him. Jackson pulled Emma to a small room off to the side. It looked like it was the coat storage area during the winter, but since it was summer, there were just boxes of storage and one of the caterers texting on his phone.

“Get out,” Jackson told him. The man looked up in surprise and quickly left. Jackson shut the door to the small room behind him.

“I’m so sorry, Jackson,” Emma began. Hot tears welled up behind her eyes. “I should have just walked away and, and-”

Jackson wrapped his arms around her. She was sure he was going to yell. She was sure he was going to tell her the contract was done and she could start to pack her things. She was sure of it, yet he was holding her.