His watch vibrated notifying him that the car was ready to take them. He tapped the notification and smiled at Emma.

“Are you ready?”

She took a deep breath and nodded. He offered her his arm, making her smile, and together they walked to the car.

Emma said little on the drive to the party. Jackson had been invited to a high profile charity fundraiser and felt that this was the perfect opportunity to present the two of them as a couple. His PR adviser, Jane, agreed.

There would be lots of photographers and press. Jane had drooled imagining the red carpet photo of the two of the walking hand in hand. It would go viral. He’d warned Emma that she would be on the cover of every tabloid magazine tomorrow.

“Why will I be on the cover?” she asked, as the limo turned toward the gala. “You have a new hot date every other week. Why is this different?”

Jackson shifted slightly in his seat. “Because I am going to be the attentive boyfriend tonight,” he explained. “Also, I never bring dates to these things. I always pick someone up there.”

Emma’s eyes widened. “So, I’m your first real date?”

“I’ve been on plenty of real dates,” he replied, only a little defensively.

That made her smile wider. “I’m your first real date,” she repeated. “You like me.”

“I’m supposed to marry you, remember?”

“You like me and I’m your first real date,” she repeated in a sing-song tone. She sat up a little straighter and grinned at him. “You’re gonna marry me.”

“Not if you keep that up,” he teased her. She kept grinning at him, knowing that he was playing. “You still clear on what we need to do tonight?”

She put on a serious face. “I’m supposed to tell everyone how wonderful and loving you are. That we met at the coffee shop and you asked me out. Then we talked for hours and are madly in love.”

“Good. What else?”

“That I’ve seen a change in you. I’ve served you coffee for over a year, and thus I am qualified to say that you are so much more than a playboy exterior. You have seen the error of your ways and are turning over a new leaf because I am so very, very awesome.”

She grinned at him and winked. The last part was extra.

“I’m glad you feel confident,” he said as the limo came to a stop. He turned and watched her swallow hard. She was nervous and trying her best not to show it.

“I’m ready,” she said, squaring her shoulders. She flashed him a grin. “I won’t let you down. By the end of the night, everyone will think we are madly in love and that I have tamed your bad boy ways.”

He kissed her cheek, careful not to smear her delicate makeup.

“You’re going to do great.”

The door opened and he helped her out of the limo. She did her best to keep a smooth smile on her face, but he could see her eyes darting everywhere to take everything in.

He looked around, seeing the event through new eyes.

The red carpet, the photographers, the beautiful people, and the obvious display of wealth suddenly became very apparent to him. He’d become so used to it that this felt normal, but he could only imagine what Emma felt. It must be overwhelming.

She clung to him like she was holding onto a life preserver in a stormy sea. Her smile was bright, but her hands trembled against his arm as she made sure he couldn’t leave her side. He was half afraid he might find bruises on his arms from her grip.

“You’re doing great,” he coached as they entered the main area. There were less photographers here and more guests, so he hoped she could relax a little and enjoy the party.

For the first time, he was worried about someone else having a good time. It was strange to think that he had her coming home with him either way, but that he wanted her to be happy.

He usually only wanted his date to have fun so they’d come home with him.

He steered her towards a friendly face.

“Emma, I’d like you to meet a friend of mine,” he introduced her. “This is Ed Hallen. He’s my vice president of operations.”