She was alone with this decision.

Chapter 15


* * *

She’d stayed at the cemetery for hours waiting for a sign that had never come. She had cried, but didn’t feel better. She just felt empty.

Jackson’s apartment was empty when Emma got home. The summer sun cast long shadows as it slowly moved toward evening. The world glowed with orange light, yet Emma didn’t see it. Her thoughts were elsewhere.

What if in a few months he didn’t want her anymore? Had she really thought this through?

Granted, she’d still have money, but she was starting to develop feelings for him. She liked the way he smiled at her. What if he didn’t feel the same? What if those emotions were one sided? What if after they had a child, he went back to his old philandering ways?

It would break her heart and destroy her.

She was starting to worry that she’d made a mistake. This had started out being about money and comfort, but now it was turning into feelings. That certainly wasn’t part of the bargain.

She sighed and flopped onto the couch in the main room. She’d gone to Jackson’s apartment rather than her own. She wasn’t entirely sure why, but it felt more comfortable here.

“You just need to get settled in,” she told herself. She ignored the fact that the movers had already unpacked everything, including the two boxes she’d had left over from her previous move.

“Is that you, Emma?” Jackson called out, surprising her. She thought he was still at work.

“Yeah, it’s me,” she said, sitting up straight on the couch. She wiped at her eyes, realizing that she probably looked like she’d been crying all afternoon. That was not how she wanted Jackson to see her.

“You’re home early,” he said, coming into the living room. He wore a comfortable t-shirt and gym shorts, but his hair was wet, indicating he’d showered. He looked handsome as hell. He always looked handsome as hell to her. He looked at her and frowned. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine,” she told him. She did her best to smile, but she knew it didn’t touch her eyes.

“I don’t believe you,” he replied. His green eyes went dark as he looked her over. He sat on the floor in front of her, taking her hands in his. “What’s wrong, Emma? You can tell me.”

“It’s nothing.” She pulled her hands back into her lap and immediately felt guilty for doing so.

“No, it’s not. Something has you upset,” Jackson said. “You tell me who needs murdered and it’s done. I know people in the mafia.”

That elicited a smile from her.

“Tell me,” he said. His eyes were gentle as he reached for her hands again. “Tell me so I can fix it.”

“I went and saw my parents today.” Emma’s voice quavered and she couldn’t look him in the face. “I don’t know what they’d say if they knew what we were doing.”

Jackson sighed and nodded his head.

“I just... I don’t know...” Emma started to cry. She didn’t want to. She didn’t mean to cry, but the tears just poured out of her. She’d thought she’d gotten all the tears out at the cemetery, but yet here was a fresh batch.

Jackson moved from the floor to the couch, putting his arm around her shoulder and pulling her into him. He comforted her, rubbing her back and rocking gently as she released the flood of tears. It felt better when he held her.

“It’s okay,” he whispered.

“No, it’s not,” Emma shot back. “I agreed to this. It’s a good plan. I’m going to get what I want, and so are you. I don’t know why I’m upset.”

Jackson smoothed a dark hair off her tear-stained cheek. He was gentle and kind with every motion.

“I want you to be happy, Emma,” he said slowly. “I want us both to be happy. And I am.”

“You are?” she asked, sniffling at the end.