“Okay.” He smiled and held her door open for her. In the elevator he scanned his fingerprint. Hers was in the system now too. She could ride up and down to the penthouse using her own thumb.

Jackson hurried to the door and pressed his palm to the sensor. She now had access to that, too, but it was nice that he was being chivalrous. He held the door open for her as she stepped inside.

The apartment was just as she remembered it. Clean white lines and modern design. She loved the warm light coming in through the windows and the way she could see everything from up here. The two floors, as well as the wrap-around windows really did make a difference to the view.

She stepped inside and found herself looking at one of the pieces of art hanging on the wall. It was a huge canvas print of snowy mountains. Just looking at them made her feel invigorated.

“You like it?” Jackson asked, coming up beside her.

“I do,” she replied. “Do you know where these mountains are?”

Jackson grinned. “The Alps. I know, because I took the photo.”

“Really?” Emma turned impressed.

Jackson nodded. “I am a man of many talents.”

“I would love to see mountains someday. They look amazing.”

Jackson frowned. “You’ve never seen the mountains?”

She shook her head. “I was born and raised here in the city. My parents didn’t have much money for us to travel. Mountains are on my bucket list of things to see.”

He looked at her like she had two heads for a moment before motioning down a hallway. “This way.”

They walked through a gourmet kitchen where Emma could see a wine fridge as well as every kitchen gadget she’d ever heard of. She didn’t linger long as she didn’t want to lose sight of Jackson. The apartment was as big as many houses.

They went to the master bedroom. A giant bed dominated the middle of the room with soft gray furniture on the sides. It reminded Emma of a spa she’d once been to. Everything was warm, soft, and comfortable.

Jackson made sure she was still with him as he went to the master closet. He opened the door and she did her best not to gasp.

The closet was bigger than her bedroom.

“This side is yours,” Jackson explained, motioning to a series of empty shelves. She could fit her entire wardrobe and then some in the space he had just given her.

“This is a bit more than a drawer,” Emma said, taking a step inside. Her small bag of things felt pitiful now. She should have brought the sweater.

“I want you to be comfortable,” he replied with a shrug.

“Where did you put your things?” she asked. Opposite her shelves were matching ones, only filled

with dark leather shoes, suits and various other clothing.

“It was all last season.” Her eyes got big and he laughed. “I didn’t really have much there. All I need are suits for work, gym stuff, and a couple of things to wear to the beach. It wasn’t hard to condense.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, looking back at her new closet space.

“Of course,” he replied. He checked his watch. “I’m afraid I have to get to work. Will you be alright by yourself?”

“Yes,” she assured him. Then she stopped and gave him a naughty grin. “What if I said I wouldn’t be?”

“Then I would cancel my very important meeting with my VP of design and stay with you.” He narrowed his eyes. “You aren’t going to make me stay, are you? It really is kind of important.”

“No, I won’t,” she promised with a laugh. “I’ll save it for when I really need you to stay with me.”

He grinned at her. “I’ll be home in three hours. Any preference for dinner?”

“Your pick,” she said. “I don’t know what your kitchen looks like or where the nearest grocery store is.”