She liked Jackson. She really liked him, but this marriage idea felt so forced. It felt fast and cheap because they weren’t going to marry for love. They were marrying for business. Granted, she was going to get everything she ever wanted: money, a house, a baby, and the opportunity to follow her dreams, but at what cost? Would it be worth giving up on love?

She tugged at her dark ponytail. Was this something she could really do?

She looked at herself in the mirror, taking in her long dark hair, the green swirled through light brown of her eyes, and the slight notch in her nose.

Who was she? Was she the type of woman to do this?

This date was going to be the deciding factor. If it went well, if she thought that they could be friends as well as lovers, she would say yes. She would sign the contract and marry him. For the amount of money and lifestyle she was going to get, she could put up with a lot worse.

Still, her conscience nagged at her. Their marriage would be a sham. Their child would be a publicity stunt. Was this really what she wanted?

“Just be yourself and see what happens,” she told the mirror. He would be here any second. She zipped up the light windbreaker over her t-shirt and capri pants. He told her to dress comfortably. The weather would be cooler out on the water, so even though it was summer and hot outside, she should bring a coat and hat.

The doorbell to her apartment rang. She gave herself one last nod in the mirror and went to answer it.

She opened the door expecting to see a driver or someone to pick her up. She wasn’t expecting to find Jackson standing there with a dozen roses and a box of chocolates.

“These are for you,” he said, handing them off with a smile.

“You didn’t have to get these,” she told him, lowering her face to the flowers and breathing in their sweet scent. It had been a long time since anyone had brought her flowers.

“I wanted to.” His green eyes were soft as he looked at her. “You deserve them.”

“I’m going to put these in some water,” she said, feeling a blush heat her cheeks as she stepped back and let him inside. “Do I need to bring anything for our date?”

“Just yourself.” He carefully closed the door behind him and looked around her apartment.

She tried not to feel self-conscious as she hurried to the kitchen and filled a vase with water for the flowers. She liked her apartment, but it wasn’t exactly the place she’d bring a billionaire. Sure, it was tiny and she probably should pick up more, but it was hers and she was happy with it.

“Okay. I’m ready,” she announced, hurrying back to him. He hadn’t left the entry area. She opened the front door. “After you. I have to lock up.”

He stepped out into the warm afternoon sunshine and she quickly locked the door behind them. Her hands shook with nerves, and she did her best to hide it.

She led the way out of her building to the parking lot where a bright blue sports car sat waiting for them.

“What happened to the red one?” Emma asked.

Jackson looked confused for a moment before chuckling. “Oh. I just felt like taking this one.”

“Oh. Okay.” Emma nodded. That was fine. Perfectly normal. Everyone had to choose between two hundred-thousand dollar cars on a regular basis.

He held the passenger door open for her. She wasn’t sure how it was possible, but this car was even nicer than the last one. She wondered if she should take off her shoes to help keep the interior clean. It felt wrong to use the car like a regular vehicle. It felt like using a Monet painting as a coaster.

Jackson kept up an easy, friendly conversation as they left her apartment building and drove to the marina. He drove fast, pushing the car more than Emma would have. She tried not to look at the road as he drove, instead focusing on him.

She knew he was a good driver, but he took far more risks than she did as a driver.

He pulled to a stop and put in the code at the marina gate. She’d seen the boats out on the water, but she’d never been out on one. Boats cost money and that was one thing she didn’t have.

If you marry him, you can be on a boat anytime you want, she thought to herself. She shook her head. Tonight wasn’t about falling in love with his money. Tonight was about making sure that they were a good fit.

Jackson parked the car and ran around to open her door for her. It was a simple gesture, but it felt nice. It made her feel taken care of. Wanted.

“You said you’ve never been sailing, so I thought I would take you,” Jackson explained, leading her down to the pier.

Docked along the side was a beautiful sailboat. Emma had no knowledge on sailing other than pirates did it, but she could tell this boat was nice. It wasn’t the biggest in the marina, but it had something to it that told her it was probably the most expensive sailboat there.

“Her name is the Techno Volante,” he said, guiding her to the gangplank. “Welcome aboard.”