“I’ll check, but I was more interested in your opinion on it. It’s all hypothetical,” Emma said. She took a deep breath. “The job is for a respected businessman from Canada. He needs a wife to stay here legally.”

“So, you’d marry him and he’d get a green card and you get money?” Grace asked.

“Yeah. Sure.” It was close enough to the truth.

Grace thought about it for a moment. “So, it’s definitely in the gray area. It would really depend on the guy.”

“Hot. Super hot. And a good guy,” Emma told her. “Hypothetically.”

“I guess I don’t have an issue with it,” Grace said slowly. “But is it really what you want? You want a family. Kids.”

“What if kids were a possibility?” Emma held her breath waiting for Grace to answer.

“Ooh boy.” Grace paused and gave it some serious thought as she chewed on her naan bread. “It still really depends on the guy. Is he going to be a good father? Is he financially sound?”

“Yes. He’s got enough money to provide for me and a kid,” Emma explained. “Plus, he’s sweet, smart, and funny.”

“What’s the downside?” Grace asked. “There has to be a downside or he’d already be married.”

“He’s a womanizer.”

“Like your boss? What’s his name... Jackson Weathers?” Grace asked.

Emma nearly choked on her food. “He’s not my boss. He just owns the building. And this has nothing to do with him. This is a totally different guy.” Grace raised her eyebrows and Emma realized she’d probably said that with a little too much emphasis. Emma continued. “Would you marry a man like that? Have a baby? And know that there isn’t love and he’s probably going to cheat on you at some point? But, be super duper rich.”

Grace thought for a moment. Emma really appreciated that her friend was giving this serious consideration, even though it was supposedly just a hypothetical idea.

“There are a lot of loveless marriages in the world. There are a lot of kids with no resources,” Grace said after a moment. “Is it so bad to marry for money? No. There are way worse things in the world.”

“So, I should do it?”

“Off of an internet ad? No fucking way, Emma!” Grace frowned at her. “You’re smarter than that. Never do anything that involves sex on the internet.”

Emma nodded. “But, if it weren’t the internet, if it was a real thing, you’d take it?”

“If someone said I could have Sam and the money to hire three nannies, I’d take it in a heartbeat.” Grace shrugged. “You know that little boy is the breath in my lungs. I’d do anything to have him.”

“So would I,” Emma agreed quietly. She’d seen the bond between Grace and her son. She craved that bond.

But would it be worth living with Jackson?

“Besides, if the guy in the ad really is that rich, who cares if he’s messing around?” Grace said. “If it’s not part of the contract, get yourself a pool boy and enjoy life. If he can, then you most certainly can, too.”

“Equal opportunity cheating, huh?” Emma asked.

“Damn straight.” Grace laughed. “You ready for more food?”

“You go on ahead. I still have some to finish.”

“Okay. I’ll grab you more bread,” Grace said, getting up and leaving Emma with her half-eaten food.

Emma played with a grain of rice on her plate. Grace more or less said it was a good idea. Emma wasn’t sure if that endorsement now helped or hurt.

If Emma agreed to this, she could have everything she’d ever wanted. She’d have money, kids, and opportunity to follow her dreams. It was so much more than she had right now as a slightly higher than minimum wage coffee worker.

Plus, Jackson Weathers was a lot of fun to be around. He was hotter than sin. Making a baby with him would be pretty amazing. Plus, she could see them at least being friends. It would be a better relationship than many marriages she’d seen.

“I’ll do it,” she whispered to herself.