No, I shouldn’t. I should love the man I have a child with. That was always the plan.

Yes, I should. Jackson would love the child and provide for it unconditionally. This child would be better cared for than most children in the world. She would have all the best child care development, nannies and staff.

By lunch, she’d changed her mind twelve times and was no closer to making a decision than she was when she first woke up.

She needed someone to talk her through it, but the NDA was going to be an issue.

She sighed and flopped herself on the couch. This wasn’t a decision she could make on her own. For the millionth time that morning, Emma wished her mom was around so she could talk to her. Her mom would know just the right thing to say.

Emma closed her eyes and imagined her mother’s face. She remembered the way her mom would smooth the hair back on her forehead and then kiss the bare skin. She’d always felt safe when her mother did that. She’d give anything for that feeling right now.

Her phone chimed. She was half afraid to look at it because it could be Jackson demanding an answer. It had only been less than a day, but she knew this was important. She wanted to make a decision as much as he probably wanted one.

She picked up her phone and let out a small sigh of relief. It wasn’t him. It was Grace.

* * *

Hey! Want to get lunch? My appointment got canceled, so I’m baby free and hungry!

* * *

Emma played with the phone in her hands. Who better to talk to than a mother? Grace would have insight into what it took to raise a child. A plan started to form in Emma’s mind.

* * *

Sure! How about the Indian food place on third?

* * *

Grace texted back a thumbs up with a see you in fifteen minutes! Emma quickly hopped off the couch and got her things together before heading out the door to meet her friend.

Grace waved from a table as Emma arrived. The restaurant wasn’t terribly crowded yet as the lunch buffet had just started. The mouthwatering scents of curry and vegetables filled Emma’s nose as she hurried over to sit with her friend.

“I ordered you a chai,” Grace told her as Emma sat down.

“Thanks,” Emma said with a smile. “Let’s grab our food. I want to ask you a question when we sit back down.”

The stood up and headed over to the buffet. Emma’s stomach rumbled.

“I am actually really glad my appointment was moved,” Grace admitted as they picked up their plates and began selecting from the appetizing options. “I’m so hungry and I needed a break. Sammy didn’t sleep again last night.”

“Poor little guy,” Emma said, picking up a piece of naan bread. “Teeth again?”

“I’m not sure. He’s just not a good sleeper in general,” Grace told her. “But, did I tell you that he took his first step? Oh my god, it was amazing!”

“He did? My little walker!” Emma cooed.

“I’m so proud of him.” Grace’s face glazed over with pride as she thought about her little boy. “It’s terrible, but

I miss him already. It’s crazy with kids how you can’t wait to get away, but the minute they’re gone, you miss them like crazy.”

Emma nodded. She finished filling up her plate and went back to her seat. Her chai tea was nowhere to be seen yet. It was very different service than the night before.

“You said you had a question,” Grace said, settling into her chair.

“I saw this job offer on an online forum I’m in, and I wanted to hear your thoughts,” Emma said. She was going to keep this vague enough that the NDA wouldn’t be an issue.

“Sure. Is it legit? There’s so many scams out there right now,” Grace replied, picking up her fork.