“I will need some time, please.” She didn’t pull her hand away. She liked the way it felt touching her. “It’s kind of a big decision.”

“I understand completely,” he said, giving her hand a squeeze. “I’ll answer any questions you might have. Here is the complete packet. I have a lawyer on retainer that you may utilize for any questions.”

“Wouldn’t that be a conflict of interest?” Emma asked, looking up at him. “Wouldn’t he want the best deal for you?”

Jackson smiled. “He’s hired to get you the best deal. I’m paying his fee indirectly. You are his client, not me.”

“Oh, okay. I’m not sure what to even ask at the moment,” Emma told him. “It’s a lot to think about.”

“Of course,” Jackson agreed. “Would you like to stay here? You’re welcome to spend the night.”

She considered it. Despite it all, she still wasn’t wearing panties and he had her wanting to go to bed with him. Maybe that was part of why she shouldn’t stay. She wanted him.

“I’d actually like to go home, please,” Emma told him. It wasn’t that the sexual attraction wasn’t there, because he was still sexy as hell, but rather that she wasn’t sure she’d make good decisions if she stayed.

She needed to step back and think about what this would mean. As much as she had fantasized about being with Mr. Weathers, the actuality of really doing it was something entirely else.

“My driver will take you home,” Jackson told her. He pressed something on his phone to notify the driver. “But, like I said, you’re more than welcome here.”

“Thank you,” Emma replied. She was suddenly very tired and this decision felt way too big. It was a good thing she didn’t have to work tomorrow.

“Here’s my private number,” he said, handing her a card. “Call me anytime. Text me any questions. I want this to work with you. I think we can both be very happy with this. I know it’s not the traditional method, but I think it can work out.”

“I just need some time,” Emma told him, standing from the table. “I’ll let you know my decision in a couple of days. I’ll need to speak with the lawyer.”

“Of course, Emma.” Jackson smiled at her. It made her heart thump in her chest when he looked at her like that. She was tempted to say yes to him right there with that smile.

“Thank you,” was what she said instead.

He stood up and kissed her cheek. His lips were soft and he smelled so damn good she nearly changed her mind. She wanted to rip his clothes off and lick his skin and see if he smelled that good everywhere.

But, she needed to think critically. This needed to be a rational choice, not one made because she was horny.

He hovered with his mouth inches from hers, waiting for her to choose what to do next. She wanted to believe he wanted her as much as she did him. That this attraction wasn’t just in her mind. She took a deep breath, and stepped away.

“I’ll let you know my decision,” she said, watching him. His green eyes shone with desire and lust clearly painted her face. She wanted to stay.

Luckily, there was a knock on the door, giving her a chance to look away. Jackson opened it to reveal a driver. She hurried away from Jackson and his bed, needing to think and wonder.

What would it be like to marry Jackson Weathers?

Chapter 7


* * *

Should she marry a man for money?

The question floated around Emma’s mind the moment she woke up.

No. I shouldn’t, she decided as she made her coffee. I should marry someone I love. I should keep dating, despite my lack of success, and it’ll happen. I still have a few years before I need to worry about the biological clock.

She sipped her coffee, pleased with her decision for a whole thirty seconds.

Yes, I should, she decided as she ate her cereal. She liked Jackson. He made her smile and she could see a future with him. Plus, the money from being his wife would make her dream job come true. She could work with any marine animal she pleased. She could buy the freaking marine park.

She took a shower, mulling over the pros and cons.