Jackson had something planned for her. He wanted to discuss something, and she had no idea what it could possibly be. Plus, they were going to his house. Where he took all the women he slept with. Now that it was really happening, she was nervous.

She wasn’t sure what was going to happen next.

He kept up comfortable small talk the entire short trip back to his luxury high rise apartment. If she hadn’t been too busy thinking about the fact that she wasn’t wearing panties, she would have been able to admire the building. It was old and beautiful with a literal golden elevator to bring them to the penthouse suite.

He scanned his thumbprint in the elevator and smiled at her.

“You’re nervous, aren’t you?” he asked.

“Maybe a little,” she said. “I’ve never been in an elevator that requires a fingerprint.”

He leaned over, his lips brushing the small hairs by her ear and making her body tingle. The movement was intimate. “And the fact that you aren’t wearing underwear has nothing to do with it, right?”

She froze as he chuckled and pulled away. She did her best to stand up taller and compose herself.

“First, that’s none of your business,” she told him.

“And second?” he leaned against the elevator wall as they went up.

“I don’t actually have a second,” she admitted, making him chuckle.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened to reveal a regular looking door. Jackson walked over and placed his hand flat on the wood, just above the doorknob. The imprint of his hand started to glow and she heard the unmistakable sound of a lock opening. That was some high-tech door.

“Please, come in, Emma.” He held open the door for her to step inside his home.

The high-rise apartment was bigger than her childhood home. Everything was modern with clean lines and crisp colors. It suited the image she had of Jackson in her mind. She could imagine him at home here.

He tossed his suit jacket on the back of a white leather couch and went to the kitchen table. Even though it was night, she could tell that his view from up here was absolutely amazing. She rather hoped she get a chance to see it in the morning.

Depending on what he had to tell her.

“I’ll need you to sign this,” he said, handing her a stack of legal papers. “It’s a fairly standard non-disclosure agreement.”

“Why do I need to sign an NDA?” She asked, tentatively taking the stack of paper.

“I have a proposal for you,” he told her, sitting down at the table. “Sign that, and I’ll tell you all about it.”

Emma chewed on her bottom lip for a moment before taking a seat at the table. She quickly scanned the legal document, but it appeared to be the standard legalese mumbo jumbo of all legal documents. She could in no way talk to anyone about their conversation and if she did, she would have to pay so much money she would need to move to a third world country just to afford food.

Jackson slid a pen across the table and she carefully signed her name on the line.

“Do you do this with all your dates?” she teased, handing him the signed papers.

“Only the ones that I am going to ask to marry me,” he replied.

Emma’s heart did a full stop.

“Excuse me, what?”

“I need to find a wife,” he replied. He was calm and collected like this was a normal discussion. Who knew? Maybe in his world it was.

“Most people just date,” Emma replied. “There’s a whole dating industry for just that reason.”

Jackson smiled at her. “I need a wife and a child for business reasons. I’d like it to be you.”

“Me?” She thought they had a connection, but to marry her? “I don’t understand.”

He stood up from the table and went to the kitchen. “Wine?” he asked, pulling out two glasses and then going to a fridge and pulling out an opaque bottle.