“Okay.” Emma wasn’t sure what exactly was going on, but she was willing to go with it. Apparently, she was getting a dress, hair, and makeup to go out with Mr. Weathers. When he said he would take care of things, he meant it.

Shana and Claire talked between themselves as they worked. It was the same comforting talk Emma had heard in every beauty parlor and hair salon her whole life and she found it soothing. It was all gossip and interesting tidbits of other people’s lives.

“I probably shouldn’t say this, given that he’s paying us, but did you see the website?” Shana asked. Emma looked up at her curious.

“What website?” she asked.

“It’s called the ‘Bedpost’ and people can make notches on celebrities’ bedposts. You know, if you sleep with them,” Shana explained. “A lot of them are unsubstantiated, but you should see Jackson Weathers. It’s a lot.”

“Yeah?” Emma felt her stomach twist a little. She didn’t like thinking of Mr. Weathers like that.

“You know what, don’t look it up until after your date, sweetie,” Claire advised. “Have fun with him, but be warned. The man is a heart-breaker.”

“What makes you say that?” Emma asked. Claire clicked her curling iron into place in Emma’s dark hair.

“This isn’t the first time we’ve done this for him,” Claire told her. “We don’t do it often, so you should definitely feel special. But, you’re not the first and you won’t be the last.”

“This is something he only does for girls he really trying to impress,” Shana added.

“Oh?” Emma’s stomach twisted a little more.

Shana nodded. “My advice? Enjoy every minute. The guy is loaded and he knows how to spend. Just don’t expect him to call you tomorrow.”

“Oh, I didn’t,” Emma assured the two women.

“You’re sweet,” Claire told her. “We’re only telling you this so you don’t get your heart broken. He’s not a long-term kind of guy.”

Emma nodded. “I kind of figured that. He seems like a love ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy.”

“Very,” Shana assured her. She pulled back and smiled. “Perfect. What do you think?”

Shana held up a small handheld mirror for Emma to inspect her makeup work. Emma gasped. She looked like a movie star. Her eyes were bigger and brighter, her skin flawless and somehow, Shana had even gotten her nose to look a little smaller.

“Shana’s the best,” Claire agreed. “I’ll be done in two minutes, Thad.”

“Good,” Thad said, coming up behind them. “We only have five minutes to finish.”

Claire finished pinning the curls to Emma’s head, humming and fixing as she went until she smiled. “Perfect.”

With that, Thad hustled Emma over and into a changing area. He handed her a dress made of green satin.

“Take everything off. And I do mean everything. Underwear will show under this dress.” He motioned her into the changing area without letting her say a word in protest. “Step into the dress, please. Not over-head or you’ll mess up your hair.”

Emma looked around at the curtains for a second before stripping down. She folded her clothes into a neat pile on the floor next to her, feeling exposed as she stepped into the dress. The satin was cold against her skin as she shimmied it up her legs and over her chest. She slid her arms into the delicate shoulders straps and pulled the dress up.

Thad pulled back the curtain and zipped her up before she had a chance to even call him. The zipper went up like butter, but it fit her every curve.

“Good,” Thad said, checking her form. “Some simple shoes and you’ll be ready. And right on time, too.”

He pulled her out into the main room again and handed her a pair of green strappy heels that matched the dress. Bowing before her, he helped her put them on.

It was then that she saw herself in the mirror and gasped.

The dress was amazing. The hair was amazing. The makeup was amazing. She looked like a princess in a fairy tale about to meet her Prince Charming at the ball. The emerald green of the dress brought out the green in her eyes and the darkness of her hair. Soft curls of her hair fell like perfect paint strokes to complement everything.

She didn’t know that she could look this beautiful.

“You clean up nicely,” Shana told her, smiling at her from across the room.