She could finally relax.

‘Relieved it’s all over?’

Nikos’s deep voice at her side, made her glance at him.

‘Yes.’ She nodded decisively. ‘And I’m glad it all went flawlessly.’

He smiled at her. ‘But then, you were flawless yourself.’

‘Thank you,’ she said, acknowledging his compliment.

She was getting used to his smiles now. Making herself get used to them. Just as she would make herself get used to the fact that he was her husband for the time being. Theirs might be a marriage of convenience, but it could be perfectly amiable for all that. Indeed, there was no reason why it shouldn’t be. The more time she spent with him, the easier it would get.

Even on a honeymoon that was actually a business trip.

‘It’s been pretty strenuous,’ she went on now, easing her feet out of the low-heeled court shoes that went with her cream silk ‘going away’ outfit—considerably more comfortable than those that had gone with her thirties-style, ivory satin bias-cut wedding dress, which had been four-inch heeled sandals. ‘But, yes, I think I can agree it’s all gone extremely well. And, of course—’ and now there was real warmth in her voice ‘—the work at Greymont is making wonderful progress. I can’t thank you enough for expediting matters in that respect!’

‘Well, that is my contribution,’ he agreed.

It had been a long day, and she’d been on the go from the moment she’d woken in the bridal suite at the hotel, ready to receive the ministrations of hair stylists and make-up artists, to this moment of relative relaxation now, and maybe that accounted for the tightening of her throat, the rush of emotion in her voice.

‘It means so much to me—restoring Greymont. It’s my whole world. ‘

Was there a flicker in his eyes? A sudden shadowing? But he said nothing, only smiled before getting out his phone with a murmured apology about checking emails.

She let him get on with it. He was a businessman. And global business ran twenty-four-seven. It didn’t stop for weddings.

Or honeymoons.

Yet when they arrived in the Gulf—Diana having managed to get some sleep during the flight—it was to discover that the incredibly lavish hotel they were staying at was most definitely putting the honeymoon into their arrival with a capital H.

As they were conducted to their suite by a personal butler, Diana could not suppress a gasp. The walls seemed to be made of gold, as did most of the furniture, a vast sweep of glass gave a view out over the vista beyond, and the floor looked to be priceless marble. Huge bouquets of red roses stood on just about every surface, scenting the air richly.

‘Oh, my goodness...’ she said weakly.

Did she really lean slightly against Nikos, half in weariness, half in amazement at the utterly over-the-top gilded lavishness of their surroundings? She didn’t know—knew only that for a moment his strength seemed to be supporting her. And then he was leading her forward, to where their butler was opening a bottle of vintage champagne.

‘Is it giving you ideas for improving the décor at Greymont?’

Nikos’s low voice was at her ear. She cast him a look, then realised that there was a hint of humour at his mouth and in his eyes. She felt a strange flutter deep inside her. Even though she was getting used to his smiles, he should not smile at her like that. Not so intimately. Not in a marriage like theirs—a marriage in which intimacy was not in the terms and conditions.

‘It’s perfect for here,’ she allowed.

She took the glass of champagne proffered to her and Nikos did likewise, dismissing the butler.

He raised his glass. ‘Well, Mrs Tramontes, shall we drink a toast to our marriage?’

That smile was still in his eyes, but now she was more composed as she met his gaze.

‘Definitely,’ she said brightly, lifting her glass to his.

It was odd to hear him call her that. She’d heard it a few times at the wedding reception, but it hadn’t seemed real then. Now, coming from Nikos, it did.

Well, yes, on the surface I suppose it is real, in the legal sense. But it’s not really real—it’s simply...


That was what it was. Convenient for both of them. Almost a kind of business partnership.