Relief at his realisation filled him. He slid his mobile out of his breast pocket and tapped in an internet search. Moments later he’d connected to the phone number provided and made the reservation he wanted.

He sat back, his shoulders relaxing into the seat. Tomorrow night would be very, very different from tonight. He was sure of it.

He shut his eyes, letting the image of Flavia, in all her beauty, infuse his retinas.


‘THE limo’s here, sweetie. Don’t keep him waiting!’

Anita’s voice was sugared, but Flavia could hear an acid note in it as well. Her father’s girlfriend was making a poor job of failing to conceal both her irritation and her jealousy of her. As she walked past the other woman, Flavia could see Anita, glass of wine lolling from scarlet-tipped fingers, subjecting her to a scornful scrutiny.

‘God, I hope he’s got a taste for seducing nuns!’ Anita sneered. ‘Why the hell you don’t take my advice on how to dress to impress, I don’t know!’

Yes, well, thought Flavia silently, making no comment, that depends on just what impression one wants to make. Her eyes flicked dismissively over Anita’s clingy leopard-print dress.

She knew what impression she herself wanted to make, and the round-necked, sleeveless black shift over which she wore a silk-knit jacket fitted the bill. As she reached the front door, she caught a last jibe from Anita.

‘I hope you’ve got a spare pair of knickers for the morning in your handbag, sweetie. We don’t want to see you back here tonight! This time make sure you don’t cop out—just do whatever it takes to keep Leon happy. Your father’s counting on it. Or ga-ga Granny’ll be popping her senile clogs in a council house. And don’t think your father won’t see to it! If he goes down—you go down!’ she promised venomously. ‘So keep that gorgeous Latino hunk of yours sweet on us, if you know what’s good for you!’ Her tone changed, becoming barbed and accusatory. ‘It’s not like it’s going to be any kind of bloody ordeal, is it? Going to bed with a guy like that! So stop looking like Little Miss Martyr! Hell, I’d trade places with you like a shot—believe me!’ She took another swig from her wine glass, and glared balefully at Flavia.

Face set, jaw as tight as steel, hatred for her father and for Anita biting in her blood, Flavia snapped the apartment door shut behind her, shutting out Anita’s crude, cruel words, her sleazy innuendo, and stalking towards the lift. Mortification burned in her—a

nd shame, and anger, and bitter, bitter resentment. All twisting and writhing like snakes.

But as she walked out of the apartment block she crushed her tormenting emotions back down inside her. The evening stretched ahead of her, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Leon’s driver was getting out of the car, tipping his cap to her as he opened the rear passenger door, and she stepped inside. But as she sank back into the seat she froze.

Leon was also in the car.

For a moment she felt panic flare in her eyes. She subdued it as swiftly as she could, stiffly returning his greeting as the car pulled away.

Leon gave her time to compose herself whilst, with a catch in his throat, he took in just how stunningly beautiful she looked all over again. The black of the dress, severe though it was, illuminated the pearlescence of her skin, the soft sheen of her hair in its customary chignon. And the faint floral scent she was wearing was winding into his senses. How incredibly beautiful she was! Emotion welled through him, and for a moment he could only drink her in.

But he could see that she was just as tense tonight—there was no lowering of her guard. Determination scythed through him. Well, perhaps this evening would be more propitious …

‘You said last night,’ he began, ‘that you would be happy to let me choose what to do this evening. So …’ He took a breath. ‘I hope I’ve made a good choice. Tell me—’ he looked at her enquiringly ‘—have you ever been to Mereden?’

She looked slightly confused. ‘Mereden? No. I’ve heard of it, but …’ She paused. ‘Isn’t it way out of London?’

He nodded. ‘Yes. You let slip last night that you didn’t care for cities, so I thought you might enjoy somewhere like Mereden instead. It shouldn’t take more than maybe half an hour to get there. I hope that’s OK with you?’

‘Um—yes. Yes. Of course.’

He threw a glancing smile at her. ‘Good. While we’re travelling there, I hope you won’t mind if I use the time to finish off some work. There’s some magazines if you’d like something to flick through.’

Relieved that she did not have to make painful conversation with him yet, Flavia took one of the magazines at random while Leon focussed on his laptop. Every sense was super-aware of him sitting there, a few feet away from her, and every part of her mind was leaping with the memory of what had happened the last time she’d sat in this limo with him …

He’d swept away her reserve, her resistance, as if they were nothing. Nothing at all! Melting her with his kiss, dissolving her very bones with it!

It had been the most devastating experience of her life—changing everything she’d been. Making her feel what she had never felt before!

She could feel her heart-rate quicken as the memory seared across her brain, feel her breath catch. Urgently she fought for control, lest he turn his head, see the hectic flush in her cheeks—and know just what had caused it.

Somehow she managed to regain at least an outer semblance of the composure she was trying to hang on to with all her might. Inwardly, her emotions were in turmoil—currents swirling inchoately as she tried not to think about what might lie ahead at the end of the evening …

She was grateful for the journey out of London. By the time the car was making its way off the motorway into the Thames Valley she was able to take some cognisance of where they were going. They were driving through hilly woodland along quiet, country roads that seemed a universe away from London, only that short journey behind them.

The car slowed to turn through imposing ironwork gates, to move along a drive bordered by rhododendrons in vivid bloom, with glimpses of extensive parkland beyond. Early evening sunshine lit up the landscape, and Flavia could not help but feel its soothing influence over her jangled nerves.