She could not have been gladder of it. Already, in the nine months since she and Luke had gone to see her mother in the hospital and told her of their love for each other, her mother had bloomed. And then Mike, who had one day moored his boat off the hotel jetty, had taken one look at Maxine, who had been visiting the island, and recognised in her a teen romance from their youth and stayed to rekindle it.

Now, as the four of them made their way through the restored atrium out on to the terrace beyond, and then along the pristine pathways, there was no sign at all of the devastation that the hurricane had caused.

Talia felt her heart swell with happiness. She leant into Luke. ?

?How can I be so happy?’ she breathed.

He smiled down at her, his eyes warm with love. ‘Because you deserve it,’ he told her, and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

He led her out on to a small grassy promontory, where a ring of palm trees swayed in the constant breeze, lifting the heat. A thatched open air chapel, with seating in front was set out there. They paused while Mike and Maxine caught them up, and then they all turned back to look at the hotel, fully restored now, after months of endless work.

Again, Talia felt her heart lift. ‘We’ve made it so beautiful again!’ she exclaimed.

‘It deserves to be,’ Luke said. He looked down at Talia again, squeezing her hand. ‘And I know why I was so determined to save it.’

There was a thread of sadness in his voice that made Talia squeeze his hand in return, to comfort him.

‘Because what is broken can be restored, with enough time and enough love—buildings, people, relationships...’

‘You saved it for your parents’ sake,’ Talia said in a low voice. ‘And I’m glad—so glad.’

Luke turned her gently towards him. ‘Will you truly be happy, getting married here on this spot?’

Her eyes lifted to his, shining with the sun. ‘How can you even ask?’ she said. ‘I would be happy marrying you, my darling, darling Luke, anywhere in the whole wide world! For you are my heart, Luke. My whole heart.’

He lowered his mouth to hers. Peace filled him. Peace, thankfulness and love. Always love. And love embraced him as he embraced the woman he loved...embraced them both for ever.

* * *

If you enjoyed Irresistible Bargain with the Greek you’re sure to enjoy these other stories by Julia James!

The Greek’s Secret Son

Tycoon’s Ring of Convenience

Heiress’s Pregnancy Scandal

Billionaire’s Mediterranean Proposal

Available now!

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