Just as her father had, he realised with another inward frown.

With a rich, doting father, Talia would have been allowed to imagine herself useful to her darling daddy, however hopeless she actually was. As witnessed by the dire interiors of all the Grantham properties. Tasteless, ostentatious, and ‘cookie-cutter’—showing not a trace of flair or originality or style.

Impatiently, he cleared his unwelcome thoughts. His interest in Talia was not in her professional talents—or lack of them.

His expression softened and he reached for her hand across the table. ‘Have I told you yet how incredibly delectable you look tonight?’ he asked, a smile in his voice and his eyes. His gaze glanced over her. ‘That dress is spectacular!’ he breathed, his eyes lingering on the generous cleavage that it exposed.

Talia laughed. ‘It’s the same dress I wore that first time here. Julie altered it for me. I think it’s a huge improvement, and if you do too then we’re both pleased.’

Luke frowned. ‘You shouldn’t have had to do that. We’ll go shopping tomorrow,’ he announced decisively.

‘Can we?’ she asked eagerly. ‘I really want to start checking out what I can source for the refurb here on the island. Fernando’s been kind enough to make some suggestions as to shops I can look at, for fabrics and so on.’

‘If that’s what you want,’ Luke agreed equably. It would do no harm, after all, and if it kept her happy then he would give her her head. ‘But we’ll try the boutiques first. There’s an upmarket mall not far from here—you’ll be able to find some of your usual designers there, I’m sure.’

She was looking at him uncertainly. ‘I...I don’t really think I should. I’ve got a wardrobe full of designer dresses at the Marbella villa. I didn’t bring any of them with me because I thought I’d be here to work, and I wouldn’t really need any evening wear.’

‘Well, you do,’ Luke replied decisively. ‘Although...’ his voice dropped, taking on a sensual twist ‘...I far prefer you with nothing on at all.’

The arrival of the service staff put paid to any further explication and he settled back to order. This time they would enjoy the Michelin-starred delights on the extensive menu—and the prestigious wine cellars. This time nothing would mar their evening.

Nor did it.

In the luxurious surroundings of the five-star hotel, both he and Talia enjoyed a leisurely meal and then, repairing to the terrace which overlooked the hotel’s private beach, they settled down with liqueurs and coffee. What they talked about Luke couldn’t remember—he knew only that conversation flowed easily, as it always did now.

Eventually they made a move. Luke’s arm came around her shoulder and she nestled into his casual embrace. As they made their way back to the lobby, along a wide, marble-tiled concourse, Luke paused beside one of the several exclusive boutiques that lined each side.

‘Want to look in?’ He smiled. ‘We could make a start on your new wardrobe.’

The store was still open, even at this late hour, for the hotel’s patrons might wish to make purchases at any time. The window display sported several svelte evening gowns, all of which would have looked spectacular on Talia. But she shook her head.

‘Way too late,’ she said, and smiled.

Then her eye was caught by something. On a separate plinth in the window was a display of jewellery. She lingered another moment. One of the pieces—a showy diamond and pearl pendant—looked like the one her father had bestowed upon her for a birthday a few years ago. Her expression flickered.

‘Does that take your fancy?’ Luke asked in a genial tone.

‘It’s like one my father gave me,’ she heard herself say. Then she cut herself short. She didn’t want to think about it.

Her father had only ever presented jewellery to her when her mother was present, and Talia had had to exclaim in surprise and delight at his generosity. It would always elicit some comment from her mother about how wonderful her father was, how generous he was to them.

Talia shuddered at the hypocrisy of her response, at how her father had made her collude with his flattering image of himself lest her mother be upset. Her mother had always needed to go on believing in the fiction that they were a happy family, that hers was a happy marriage. She’d never been able to face the brutal truth of it.

‘I think that would suit you better.’

Grateful for Luke’s interruption of her troubled thoughts, Talia looked to where he was indicating a ruby bracelet, glittering under the spotlight highlighting the display.

‘Oh, that is beautiful!’ Talia exclaimed spontaneously, for the delicate array of rich red gems forming a continuous loop was indeed breathtakingly lovely in its stylish simplicity.

Then something else caught her eye. A watch—a man’s watch, judging by its size and design—its face and casing almost completely obliterated with diamonds.

She giggled—she couldn’t stop herself. ‘Oh, Luke, do look!’ She cast him a mischievous glance. ‘Now, you have to admit that’s a lot less dull than your boring watch!’

She touched with her finger the sombre, understated, formidably elegant—and ferociously expensive—custom-made watch that he always wore. Memory played at her—how she’d noticed it at that party, made some comment about it, and he had said it had been a reward for himself.

With an inner shiver she realised with hindsight just what the reason for that costly indulgence had been.

He had been celebrating taking over Grantham Land.