Page 28 of Ravish Her

This wasn’t her home, and even if her apartment in the city was lonely and cold, it was still where she found comfort on those empty nights. But even after being here for a week—or hell, she didn’t even know how long, since the days seemed to run together—she’d never felt the kind of desire she had with Stian tonight.

Since seeing him when she’d first woken up, she felt arousal for the big brute. He was dangerous, had kept her prisoner, still did if she thought on it hard enough and pushed her desire for him away. But the fact remained he protected her, saved her.

She tucked the satchel under the thick hides, rolled over onto her side, away from Stian, and stared at the fire. She watched those flames dance until her eyes grew heavy and darkness took her away.


The look on her face had made bringing her here better than Stian could have imagined. He’d lived a very solitary life after he was banished from the village as a young man, not much older than a boy.

The village had waited until he was at least old enough to survive out there alone, but he felt no gratitude toward them because of that.

After the incident with his parents, and the fact that he killed them, he knew he’d never be able to find a woman who would be comfortable with him, especially not if she knew about his past.

Yes, he was called the Beast, but he embraced that name, used it to his advantage, and didn’t care if the villagers feared him. It was better that way, even if they didn’t understand why he’d done what he did.

They had rules, ways of doing things in their small community, and Stian had broken the biggest one of all—he’d murdered. But he’d done what he had to. Maybe when Agata understood his language and culture fully, she’d be able to realize that doing what he’d done meant he survived.

The villagers could have killed him for his crime, or what they saw as a crime. But because he’d been younger, the elders instead banished him from contact with all of them.

One day, he’d explain it all to Agata, but until then, he’d lavish her with affection and show her that he was a good provider and would make sure she was always protected.

That gasp of pleasant surprise she made as she saw the pool-sized body of water had his chest swelling with pride. He found this treasure trove shortly after he’d been banished and after he created a crudely erected shelter.

It had barely allowed him to survive through that first winter, but he had, and it made him stronger because of it. No one bothered him out here, probably didn’t even know about this place. Openings at the top allowed the sun to filter through.

“Peace,” he said, trying to use as few words as he could. Her language wasn’t one he was familiar with, but he’d grow to know it, as she would grow to learn his. Her full attention was on him, and he took a deep breath. “This makes me calm.”

She smiled and nodded, clearly understanding him.

“It would be peaceful and calming to come here.”

He tried to understand what she just said, but he only understood part of it.

She lifted her hand and placed it on his chest. “Let’s go swimming.”

What is this “swimming” she refers to? He didn’t know what she said at first, but when she started slipping off her boots and coat, he knew what she wanted. Hell, he’d been thinking of the same thing, was even in the process of getting undressed. Bent over, she stopped midstrip and looked over at him, one brow raised.

“Come on, Stian,” she said in his language. “I know where your thoughts are. Mine are right there with you.”

It was strange to see her so open and bold, and even if he liked it, loved it even, he was more surprised that she was acclimating to this life, given how she ended up with him in the first place.

When she was nude, standing before him in all her delicious glory, his cock went even harder. He lifted a hand and ran it along her throat.

“Beautiful, wife.” He saw her cheeks turn red and felt pleasure at the fact that he’d caused that reaction. He moved closer, wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her fully against him. His cock pressed against his leathers, and before he got too wrapped up in loving her, he pulled away and got rid of the rest of his clothing.

He went back to his woman, pulled her into an embrace, and kissed her like he’d never kissed her before.

How lucky he’d been to have this woman, and not only keep her as his, but have her start to accept this life. She had run, yes, but that was understandable. He’d have been worried if she hadn’t, because she definitely had a strong soul and wasn’t going to back down easily.