It’s that energy inside of me. It’s climbing out through my skin, meeting his in fire and sparks and otherworldly heat.

I close my eyes, succumbing to it, wanting more of him, feeling like I’ll never be able to get enough. “Max,” I whisper to him, my voice hitching with my breath. “Make me come.”

Make me beg.

“Please,” I add, knowing what that will do to him.

He lets out a low growl and starts really fucking me, hard jabs from his grinding hips, and I slide my legs up his sides, touching ankles over his lower back.

“Fuck,” he growls sharply into my neck, biting me, sucking, and he brings one of my hands above my head, pinning me in place, the other pinching my nipple. He starts pounding into me, enough to shake the bed, jostle my breasts, and I feel like a fucking ragdoll beneath him. There’s so much power in him that I think he might fuck me right through the wall and into the next room.

I tighten my grip on his shoulder, tighten the grip on his sides.

Holding on.

Giving in.

He’s gasping, grunting, working me like he’ll die if he doesn’t and, fuck, that might even be true.

Fingers twist in my hair.

Teeth raze my throat.

Hips flex into mine, harder, slapping, leaving bruises.

Cock driving deeper, faster, frantic.


His breath in my ear, getting shorter, raspier, hitching, catching in the same rhythm of his thrusts.

With another deep, guttural moan his hand slips down to my pussy, gliding over my clit, and I’m so wet he barely has any control.

But it’s enough.

My orgasm is right there, ready to rip me to shreds, and at the last minute I think I should hold back, like I’m scared, scared by how he’s going to make me feel, scared that he might actually blow my fucking mind to smithereens.

But then his finger fucking spanks my pussy and I’m gasping, screaming, pushed right over the edge, no parachute.

“Oh fuck!” I scream, the words ripped out of my throat, followed by sounds that belong to an animal. I come so hard that I feel turned inside out, unable to have any control, like I’m being shot into space, turning to stardust.

And then he’s kissing me, groaning into my gaping mouth, before straightening out, back arched, the big wide expanse of him, chest, shoulders, biceps, is all my delirious eyes can see. He’s gasping like he can’t breathe and he stills for a moment, his lips parting in a wild sneer before he shudders, coming inside me.

I feel it. I mean I fucking feel it. Feel him come. The energy tangling like livewires, adding an extra dimension to all the transcendent feelings that are still ripping through me, making my limbs shake, my heart tremble.

He collapses against me, his full weight, and then makes a move to push himself up, but I immediately hold him against me, feeling his heart move against my chest, the sweat from his body mixing with mine.

I blink up at the ceiling, trying to gather my thoughts, then decide I don’t need them anyway. Who needs thinking at a time like this? All I have is feeling, and that’s the feeling of him.

I run my hands up into his hair, stroking him in an easy, blissed-out rhythm, my mind wandering to nowhere in particular. Our breaths eventually slow together, our hearts come back down to earth.

It feels like minutes, or maybe hours, before he lifts up his head and looks at me.

I mean, really looks at me.

Heavy lidded eyes, emerald green, crinkling softly at the corners.

He smiles at me.

A warm, broad, beautiful smile.

It makes my heart feel too hot for my chest.

I smile back, placing my fingers along his cheekbone, trailing them down over his jaw, his chin.

“Hi,” I say softly.

“Good morning,” he says back.

And all this time he’s still inside me, still hard. I have to wonder what that’s about.

“So…” I say, and he leans in, kissing me tenderly, gazing at me with thoughtfulness.

“So,” he says against my mouth, before pulling away.

“That happened.”

“It definitely happened.”

He reaches over and brushes the hair off my face with light fingers.

“And, so, what are your thoughts about that?” I ask sweetly.

He presses his lips together, looking up to the ceiling as he pretends to think, and fuck if he’s not adorable. “I think we should do that again.”

I grin at him, running my fingertip over his lip. God, I love his lips. “Well, that’s convenient because I think you’re still hard.” I pause, adjusting myself around him. “And I know you came.”

His smile turns cocky. “That I did. Let’s just call it a perk.”

“To having sex with you?”

He shrugs. “I’m a man of many talents.”

“Swordplay being one of them.”

He laughs, burying his mouth in my neck, his body moving over me.

And while I know that there was so much darkness we had to wade through earlier, and I know that darkness hasn’t gone away, I’m willing to pretend otherwise for now.