“What’s going on?” I ask. “Am I officially in trouble now? You know I was waiting for the lecture.”

“No lecture,” Jacob says to me. “Though I have to say, you disappointed me, Ada.”

“That sure sounds like the beginning of a lecture to me,” Max says under his breath.

“Disappointed?” I repeat. I point at Max. “Because I saved his life? He would have been trapped there forever if it weren’t for me.”

“Actually, I would have been trapped there if it weren’t for Perry,” Max points out.

“Yes, fine, Perry. But I pulled you out. Don’t you forget that.”

Max gives me a steady look. “You really think I would?”

“It was a dangerous move, Ada,” Jacob says, his eyes narrowing. He can be fun and easy to be around, except when he gets this edge to him like he’s getting right now. Makes me feel unsettled.

“Well, what would you have me do? Perry told me there was a problem. Believe it or not, I like the guy.” I jerk my head toward Max. “I wasn’t going to let him spend eternity in limbo.”

“I had a plan,” Jacob says calmly. “A plan that you fucked right up.”

My mouth drops. “What plan? Perry told you what was happening and you basically told her she was shit out of luck.”

“No, I told her it wasn’t wise to do it herself in case someone else comes out at the same time.”

“You meant Samantha. Right?”

“The witch? Sure.”

“Sure?” I repeat. “What do you mean, sure?”

“She didn’t come out,” Max says. “She stayed in the Veil.”

Jacob’s golden eyes snap to Max. “Yes, so you said. You also said a demon did get out.”

“I put him back in,” I tell him. I dust off my hands together. “Piece of cake. Is that what’s bothering you? That I was able to do it even though you specifically told Perry I wasn’t ready?”

“I didn’t say that,” he says smoothly, bringing his attention back to me. “I said you couldn’t handle it.”

“Well then, how does it feel to be wrong for once?”

Jacob lifts one shoulder in a light shrug. “I’m not wrong.”

I look at Max for back-up. He’s watching the two of us with interest.

“You’ve done something, Ada,” Jacob says carefully as he eyes me. “Something you don’t understand. Something that has consequences. For the both of you.”

“Me and the undead ginger?”

Jacob isn’t amused. But then again, neither am I. He’s famous for being excruciatingly vague.

“You’ll understand soon enough,” he says. “But that’s not why I wanted to speak to you.”

I shouldn’t let it go. I need to know what he’s talking about. What has consequences. But I also want to know why he really wanted to talk to me.

Jacob clears his throat and walks around the desk, having a seat on the plush leather chair. “I haven’t gotten a chance to discuss this with Maximus yet, but I figure it’s best to approach the both of you at the same time.”

I exchange another confused glance with Max and walk over to stand next to him, staring down at Jacob. If it felt like I’d been called to the principal’s office before, now it really feels like it.

“Well?” Max prompts impatiently. “If you don’t mind, there’s a party I’d like to attend. I’ve missed out on a few New Year’s.”

“Three, to be exact,” Jacob says, folding his hands in front of him. “Listen, I foresee myself being quite busy in the time to come. There’s been a disruption in the worlds.”

“A disturbance in the force?” I joke.

Max laughs, which I appreciate. Jacob remains serious.

“Yes,” Jacob says. “If you want to be glib about it. It’s just a feeling I have, and I know to trust my feelings. Anyway, I won’t be around as much going forward.”

“Where are you going?” Max asks.

“Nowhere for now,” he says. “Just that sometimes there are things I have to deal with. Don’t worry, I’ll come back. I know the both of you would be completely heartbroken if I didn’t.”

I narrow my eyes, wondering if that was a dig about Jay.

“But,” Jacob goes on, leaning back in the chair, “that means I won’t be able to train Ada properly. And before you say anything, yes you still need training. Whatever you did in that house doesn’t mean anything.”

“Hey, I’m right here,” Max says.

Jacob gives him a dry look. “I can see that. What I mean is that perhaps she got lucky.” I’m about to yell at him but he raises his palm. “And if it’s not luck, then we need to make sure to build on that. Take advantage. Anyway, all of this is to say that, Maximus, I think I need you to take over my job.”

Max and I stare at each other, both our brows raised to the ceiling.

“What?” Max asks, looking back to Jacob.

“Yeah, what? Him?” I jerk my thumb at Max.