“Anything.” That grin was back, and damn if it didn’t send my heart skittering. The man was too good-looking for his own good.

“I invited my friends down for the weekend.” Okay, so it had been via text, but I’d reached out.

“Okay.” His brows puckered.

“I want you to meet them.” I pressed my lips in a line and held my breath.

“That’s it? You just want me to meet your friends?” He studied me.

“Yes. And before you agree, you should know that it has the potential to be the most awkward weekend of your life.”

His eyes widened. “Those friends.”

I nodded. “And they’re not going to be easy on you. Sam is a cakewalk compared to Josh and Jagger.” My fingertips traced the patches on his chest.

“Deal.” He didn’t even hesitate.

“You really should take a minute to think about it,” I encouraged.

“Morgan, you just asked me for something that’s within my power to give you. It’s yours. I’m yours, awkward weekend and all, helicopter ride or not. I’m there.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead, and I melted.

Oh God, I was really fixing to do this.

“Take me flying.”

A half hour later, I was second-guessing my life choices as I stepped into the helicopter. I had on one of Sawyer’s flight suits since he was shorter than Jackson, and my feet were stuffed into boots at least four sizes too big. My hair was tucked up inside a flight helmet and the visor was down, shielding my eyes. It didn’t shield me from the scent, though. That metallic tang was exactly how Will had smelled after he’d spent a day in the cockpit.

“We’ve got choices,” Jackson said through the headset as I stared at the relatively empty space. He pointed to the pair of seats at the rear. “You can have a more comfortable seat”—he swung his arm toward the front, where there were two smaller, far less stable-looking seats—“or you can be closer to me.”

Garrett clipped himself into one of the rear seats and patted the one next to him. “Got room right here for you, Morgan.”

The seats up front were perpendicular to Jackson’s , and just behind him. I’d even be able to touch him if I needed to. “Closer to you,” I answered.

“That’s my girl.” He gave me a grin and got me buckled into the seat. My heart pounded to the rhythm of the rotors above us as Sawyer started the preflight.

“Anyone see her?” Jackson asked Sawyer.

“Nope. Told you it would be easy. Now you just sit back and relax, Morgan. We here at Coast Guard Air would like to welcome you aboard for today’s flight.” Sawyer grinned at me as Jackson tightened the straps of my harness. “We have a quick flight plan for you today involving a short pleasure tour of the Outer Banks. Unfortunately, no snacks will be provided. Please keep your hands inside the aircraft at all times, and remember that vomiting is considered rude.”

My stomach turned.

“I’ve got you,” Jackson promised, cupping my cheek under my helmet.

I nodded, gritting my teeth as I prepared to kiss the earth good-bye.

In through my nose, out through my mouth. I spent the remainder of the preflight time concentrating on my breathing so I didn’t let the panic win and send me running from the aircraft.

“Here we go, Kitty,” Jackson said as we took off.

My stomach dropped as we rose into the air, and I squeezed my eyes shut. What the hell was I doing in this thing? I had nothing to prove and everything to lose. And the vibrations through my seat were going to numb my ass at best and rattle my spine at worst. They were even stronger at my feet.

“It’s no fun when you can’t see anything,” Sawyer teased, looking back from the cockpit.

I opened my eyes and flipped him the bird.

He laughed. “Your girl doesn’t think this is fun.”

“If your ex-girlfriend went down in a bird and then died in a firefight, chances are you wouldn’t think this was fun, either,” Jackson snapped.

Sawyer’s head whipped back, his eyes huge with apology. “Shit, Morgan, I didn’t know.”

“Take the controls,” Jackson ordered.

“I have the controls,” Sawyer responded, his focus completely devoted to the aircraft.

Jackson’s hand reached back, and I took it. “You okay back there?”

“I’m okay,” I lied.

“The view is gorgeous if you look out the window,” he suggested, squeezing my hand.

I leaned forward and gasped. The blue of the water against the sand of the beach made for a stunning contrast as we flew down the coastline, and I had to admit that he was right. The view was spectacular, entrancing, even, and something I only could have seen from the air. We flew miles down the coast, and eventually my body adjusted to the vibration and motion of the aircraft. My brain was an entirely different matter.