“I don’t think you’re using Jackson. I’d be worried if you said that you were head over heels in love with him and you no longer felt anything for Will. But everything you’re feeling is actually on track. You might have bigger feelings for Jackson because you’re healing and becoming capable of them, Morgan. I’m really pleased at the progress you’re showing in this area.”

“So he’s not just some kind of Band-Aid?” I fidgeted with the sea-glass necklace.

“Not that I can tell. And honestly, a Band-Aid wouldn’t have touched you when you first came through those doors. You needed open-heart surgery. What you feel for Jackson appears to be genuine, but don’t be surprised if a little misplaced guilt worms its way in there. Don’t let it derail you or this new relationship. You’re still a work in progress.”

Work in progress. I needed that tattooed on my freaking forehead.

She reached for the tape recorder. “You ready?”

I nodded, and she hit the record button.

“I’m in the grocery store, and I pick up a jar of jam…”

“Okay, what am I doing here?” I asked Jackson the next day as I stood between our cars in the parking lot outside his station.

He had a devilish gleam in his eye that had me immediately suspicious. “I have an idea.”

“Do you?” I folded my arms across my chest and ignored how good he looked in that flight suit.

“I want you to see what I do.” He leaned back against his Land Cruiser and grinned.

“I already know what you do.” Like hell was I going to watch him fly. I already had trouble sleeping on nights I knew he was on shift.

“Right, but I want you to see it. I know how much it weighs on you, and maybe if you—”

“Stop.” I put out my hand. “You want me to what? Stand in your control tower and watch you fly the very thing that gives me nightmares?”

His grin vanished. “Not exactly. I want you to fly with me.”

Blood rushed from my face, and my stomach lurched. “You’re kidding.”

“Nope. I’m going to sneak you on board with my crew, and we’re going to fly a quick, easy patrol. Skies are baby blue, there’s not a cloud in sight, and there’s zero chance of foul weather. It’s the perfect day.” He stared at me with an intensity that told me he was serious.

“You’re not sneaking me on board anything, because there’s zero chance in hell any of that is going to happen.” I took a step toward him, shaking my finger.

Big mistake.

“Have you ever gone up before?” He gripped my hips and pulled me forward to stand between his thighs. Sure, it was a warm day, but that had nothing to do with the spike in temperature inside my own body. That was pure Jackson.

“No, and do not think you can charm me onto that death trap.” I put my hands on his chest to hold him off, but that didn’t help, either. He was firm under my touch, and I knew exactly what he looked like beneath his flight suit. I pressed my thighs together and gave him my best glare.

“Do you trust me?” He moved his sunglasses to the top of his head and hit me with those incredible eyes.

“Not fair,” I whined, but I wasn’t sure if it was over the question or his use of his secret weapon.

“Morgan Bartley, do you trust me?” His hands flexed on my hips.

“With my life,” I grumbled.

“I’m a damned good pilot. I graduated top of my class.” His gaze bored into mine.

“Did you, now?” Just like Will. I pushed that thought right out of my head.

“Yep. And there is no chance I’m going to do anything that would ever put you at risk or put myself in a position that I can’t get home to Finley. You know that.” His hand rose and brushed my hair back just so the ocean breeze could whip it the other direction.

That was true. He’d never jeopardize Finley’s future.

“Give me an hour, Morgan, and you won’t be as scared of what I do out there.”

I pulled my lower lip between my teeth and chewed lightly. Was I actually considering this insanity?

“Come on, Kitty. I’ll give you whatever you want if you’ll do this with me. I won’t ask you for a single outdoor date for a month. We’ll order in every night, and you can read while I rub your feet.” The plea in his voice and his hopeful expression were priceless.

I sighed. An hour. Maybe it was like listening to those damned tapes of me telling the story of Will’s death over and over. Maybe doing this once would suck, but it would make the future easier—the future I wanted with him.

“I know what I want.” I looked him in the eye.