“I didn’t say it was a good idea,” she countered sleepily. “I asked if you’d stay. Just until I fall asleep? Please?”
Fuck. How the hell could I deny her when she was asking for the very thing I wanted? Easy—I couldn’t.
“Just until you fall asleep.”
She smiled and patted the bed behind her.
Cursing my idiocy, I took off my shoes and socks, then put my car keys and wallet on the bedside table next to her pile of sea glass, which reminded me of the present I still had in my glove box.
I killed the light and climbed onto the bed. Tomorrow was Saturday, but the flight schedule said I had to keep my word and leave once she fell asleep.
“Under the covers,” she demanded, not even rolling over to look at me.
“Kitty, that’s not—”
“Under the covers,” she stated simply. “I trust you.”
“I’m not sure I trust myself,” I muttered, but I did as she asked just because I wanted to hold her. A week ago, she’d stood outside, slamming the truck door, and I thought I’d blown my shot with her. This morning, she’d come face to face with Claire and then promptly run away, so hell yes, I wanted to hold her.
I’d hold her every chance I had until she stopped running.
“I’m in. Happy now?” Fully clothed, I turned on my side toward Morgan.
She scooted until her back was against my chest. “Now I’m happy.”
I curved around her, and she sighed, wiggling until her ass was firmly pressed into my hips and her legs molded around mine. My arm locked around her waist, and I gave in to temptation and breathed in the scent of her hair while telling my body to settle the hell down.
“You can’t use words like relationship with me,” she whispered. “You have to be patient.”
“Morgan—” I stroked my thumb over her pajama-covered ribs.
“I’m a mess, and you’re…”
“Complicated?” I offered.
“Right. And I like you, Jackson, I do, but you scare me.”
“I’ll never hurt you. Not intentionally,” I promised, pulling her even tighter against me.
“I didn’t used to be a coward,” she muttered, her words slowing. “You would have liked me back then.”
“You’re not a coward, and I like you just fine now.” I pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“Just give me a second, and I’ll fall asleep, I promise.” Her breathing slowed as her words faded off.
“I’m not in a rush, Morgan. I can wait as long as you need me to.” I meant it, and not just about her falling asleep. I could wait for her to heal, to be ready for whatever we could be. There was no deadline when it came to us.
She mumbled her assent, and I closed my eyes.
When I opened them, it was morning.
Chapter Fourteen
The night of the graduation ball… Well, you were there. I should have known it then, but I woke up the next morning so scared that I couldn’t offer you what you needed. It was never you, Morgan. It was always me.
My head threatened to secede from the rest of my body with every step I took down the stairs. What the hell had I been thinking?
Sam clattered around in the kitchen, the noise ratcheting up my pain to a seven as I came around the corner and stepped onto the linoleum. One more week and this baby would turn into hardwood. A frying pan grated against the stove burner, and I cringed.
“Sit down.” Sam pointed across the counter. How the hell did she look so perky? Even her ringlet curls bounced with more energy than I had in my entire body.
I slid onto one of the stools and propped my elbows on the Formica to cradle my aching head.
A glass of water appeared in front of me, and Sam plunked two painkillers down next to it.
“I already took the ones you left on my nightstand with the water.” I lifted my head enough to catch her flash of confusion before she smiled slightly.
“I didn’t leave those there. Must have been Jackson.” She took the pills back with a little shake of her head. “Turns out Mr. Carolina is one of the good ones.”
Jackson. Oh God, I’d made an utter fool of myself last night.
“How bad was I?” My fingers curled around the glass as Sam cracked two eggs in the pan.
“On a scale of one to me, you were probably about a seven. You definitely weren’t at your best sitting up there, but you weren’t dancing on the bar like it was Coyote Ugly, either.” She shrugged.
Kill me now. “I didn’t think about the meds.”
She turned slightly, catching my eye. “I know you didn’t. If you had, then we’d be having a different discussion. I shouldn’t have stepped out when you were ordering your drinks.”
“You were talking to Grayson. Don’t blame yourself for my shitty decision making. Where’s Mia, anyway?”