Ripping my eyes away, I looked out at the ocean, recognizing that for the first time in years, I wanted a man who wasn’t Will. My heart ripped a little, and I raised my hand to rub the spot beneath my collarbone, partially to ease the ache there and partially to see if I could capture the little bit of light and hope that escaped from that tear. I could push my feelings about Jackson away all I wanted, but it didn’t make them any less real or any less dangerous.
He lived right next door, so it was only a matter of time before I had to decide what the heck I was going to do about it. Avoiding him and shutting down whatever this was before it had the chance to start was the safest choice, and that’s what I needed right now. Safe. That was the logical choice—the only choice.
I’d just have to say no to every invitation he offered and put a lot of distance between us, starting now. How hard could that be? No, I practiced in my head. No, no, no. See? I could do it.
Fin stirred in the backseat, blinking awake with a stretch.
“What do you say we get rebellious and stop for ice cream?” Jackson asked me with a mischievous grin that raised my temperature by at least two degrees.
“Sure!” I answered before Fin even got the chance.
I was so screwed.
Chapter Nine
“I like the pink one,” Finley informed me as we scrolled through backpacks online. “Ooh, and that blue one. And the green one.”
“Well, you only need one, so which one is your favorite?”
She scrunched her forehead, looking up at me and then back to the screen, seriously pondering her decision with an intensity that almost made me laugh.
“Take your time. Kindergarten is a big deal. I get that, and I firmly support whatever choice you make. You don’t even have to pick one tonight. It’s just orientation. We still have months before you start.”
She took a deep breath and nodded. “The purple one.”
“You’re sure?”
“That’s the one. I know it.”
“Okay, because I’m buying it right now.” I clicked add to cart.
She nodded. “I’m ready.”
“I know you are.” Maybe she was, but I wasn’t. I faked it well, though. “Okay, all purchased.”
“Thanks, Daddy!” Finley plopped a kiss on my cheek and hopped off the couch, brushing her curls out of her face.
“They won’t get in the way if you let me pull it up,” I reminded her.
“Ponytails are boring,” she declared, skipping every age to thirteen.
A knock at the door saved her from my eye roll.
“We could stop by Grammy’s and ask Aunt Brie to braid it for you,” I suggested as Fin bolted toward the door.
“Nope. She has really long nails.”
“What?” That had exactly what to do with braiding?
“It’s Morgan!” Finley called out, jumping up and down to see out the glass side panel of the front door.
My heart rate kicked up, and I had the ridiculous urge to check myself in the mirror as I walked toward the door. Get a damn grip. But in my defense, I’d only seen her in passing over the last week, and this was the first time she’d ever knocked on my door.
“Can I?” Fin asked, her hands already on the knob.
“Yep. You can always let Morgan in.” Which now made six people on Finley’s always-allowed list: Brie, Sarah, Sawyer, Garrett, Vivian, and now Morgan.
“Yay!” She flung open the door. “I can always let you in!”
“Awesome!” Morgan held out her hand for a low-five. Fin gave it to her with a megawatt grin.
“Come in!” Finley backed up and held out her arm like a gracious pint-sized hostess.
“Why, thank you,” Morgan said, walking in.
She was in a white, thick-strapped tank top and short khaki shorts that reached midthigh, drawing my eyes to her legs. Not that I needed a reason, because my attention always found its way there with Morgan. She was also wearing the same maroon ball cap from the pictures. His ball cap.
Damn, I wished I hadn’t gone snooping.
“Did you come to see my daddy?” Finley asked, shutting the door behind her.
Morgan flashed me a small smile before turning back to Fin. “Nope, I actually came to see you.” She dropped down to Fin’s eye level.
“You did?” Fin brushed her hair out of her face.
“I did! I was walking the beach with Sam this morning, and I found this!” She opened her hand, revealing a small, perfect conch shell.
“Ooh! It’s so pretty!” Fin leaned in close, examining the shell.
“It’s yours,” Morgan said as she handed it over.
“Really? It’s almost perfect.”
Ah, and so the search continued.
“That’s exactly what I thought when I saw it!”
Fin grabbed Morgan’s still-outstretched hand and examined her fingernails. “Can you braid?”
Morgan blinked at the subject change, but then nodded. “I can.”
“Will you braid my hair?” Fin asked, using those eyes on Morgan to get her way. “I have kindergarten tonight.”