All because I’d taken her to the house when Steve told me they’d finished for the day. I’d nearly gotten Fin killed.

The inside of his home wasn’t exactly what I’d expected. Not that I even knew what to expect from Jackson. The decorations were simple, clean, a blend of coastal blues and rich wood tones with white accents. The walls were decorated with framed artwork I assumed was made by Finley.

He carried me through the living room and into the kitchen, setting me carefully on the granite counter near the sink.

I yelped as the icy stone came into contact with my sun-warmed skin.

“What hurts?” he asked immediately, scanning me like he could see through my clothes and skin.

“Nothing. Granite’s cold,” I muttered, bracing my hands on the edge of the counter.

“Oh. Okay. Sorry about that. Wait here.”

He disappeared, and I studied his kitchen. It was U-shaped, the opening facing the living room. A long slab of granite to the left served as a breakfast bar. A small dining set filled the space to the sliding glass door, and off to the side, a play nook was happily cluttered with toys in contrast to the immaculately clean kitchen.

Does he keep his bedroom this clean, too?

I blinked that thought right out of my head. God, was this trembling going to stop anytime soon?

He returned, set a first-aid kit on the counter, then wrapped a soft quilt around my shoulders, his arms encircling me for the barest of moments. “That should help,” he said softly.

“Thank you.” I tucked the blanket closer.

“That’s my line.” He took my chin between his thumb and forefinger, then gently tilted my head so he could examine my cheek.

“Finley’s really okay, right?”

“She’s fine. You’re both fine.” That last part was nearly a whisper.

My heart galloped as the adrenaline ran its course, and the sight of his lips so close to mine wasn’t helping slow its cadence. “Your house is beautiful,” I blurted, trying to think about anything other than what had just happened…or the warmth of his fingers. Those were dangerous subjects.

“Thanks. It works for us,” he said in that way guys had of dismissing compliments and giving me a half smile. He was good under pressure.

I tried to pull myself together while he dampened a washcloth at the kitchen sink, but he was back faster than I could manage the herculean task.

“You got blasted with sand and a few rocks, if your cuts are anything to gauge by. I want to clean it out.” He paused. “Unless you’d rather we go to the clinic?”

“No. Here is good.” I shifted my legs so he could get close enough to do it.

He stepped between my thighs, his hips resting against the insides of my bare knees. Mercy. The flush of heat that swept over my body had nothing to do with the warmth of the blanket and everything to do with his proximity. It had to be the adrenaline, right? One of those you-almost-died coping mechanisms?

It’s because he’s gorgeous as sin, you moron.

“This one looks the worst, but it’s not too deep,” he murmured, cradling the uninjured side of my face with warm, gentle fingers while assessing the other.

“Okay.” I mentally listed every reason I wasn’t allowed to be attracted to this man and prayed my body got with the program.

One, I was pretty sure he was in love with his ex and apparently something had gone down with them last night.

Two, he lived next door, which meant when whatever I wasn’t going to allow happen anyway eventually didn’t work out, I’d be stuck seeing him every freaking day.


I hissed as the washcloth brushed over an abrasion along my cheekbone.

“Sorry.” He dabbed carefully at the skin.

“Don’t worry,” I replied, trying to keep my eyes anywhere but on his and failing.

Three, his eyes were too blue. Ocean blue. Flawlessly freaking blue. That was a con because…well, because they were too distracting. Who the hell wanted to be constantly distracted like that? I’d never get anything done.

Four, I was in the middle of some pretty intensive therapy and didn’t have anything to offer. My emotional tank was on empty, and that wasn’t fair to him.


“This might hurt.”

Exactly. He’d said it perfectly. I’d already swallowed all the pain I could take when it came to relationships.

“I know.” But it still didn’t stop me from staring at his mouth.

He applied antiseptic, taking extra care with a couple of the cuts, and I welcomed the sting, using it to keep me grounded.

“I don’t think you need stitches.”

“That’s good.” I looked down at my hands. At least they’d quit shaking. How the hell had I let that happen? I should have known better than to take Finley so close to the construction.

“I don’t know how to thank you,” he said.

My eyes jerked to his.

“Thank me? I almost got her killed.”