“Got it.” Funny. My need to rescue was as deep as her need to not be rescued.
“I’m going to start right now by getting out of the water. Because once again, you were right, and I think my toes are turning blue. But I am going to let you feed me.”
That smile was back, giving me that same punch in the gut. Shit.
“I think I may have burned the burgers.” I didn’t tell her why.
She shrugged and tossed a grin over her shoulder as she walked away. “I’ll take my chances. Thanks for the rescue, though. Now let’s hope you don’t have to play the hero again,” she teased. “It’s almost like you have a complex.”
“You have no idea,” I muttered to myself, waiting until she was on the beach before trudging my way out of the water, getting some much-needed space to clear my head. I yanked off my shirt, grimacing when it stuck to the wet skin of my stomach and lower back.
“Go ahead and say it.” Sawyer handed me a plate with a burger already on it.
“Say what?” I took the plate and dressed my burger, noting that Morgan had found a seat in a camping chair next to Garrett.
“That I was right. You’re interested in her.” He smirked.
I glared.
“Hey, I’m all for it. I’ll even wingman you. What can I do? Talk you up? Brag about your list of achievements and qualities? Come on, let me have your back for once.”
“God, please don’t. She’s obviously going through a tough time, and I’m just trying to be a good neighbor.” Right? Right.
“Oh shit, she’s a wounded bird? That’s like your fucking catnip.”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
He snorted. “Seriously? Is there not a three-legged guinea pig, a blind turtle, and a one-finned fish living in your house right now?”
“Those belong to Finley. She likes to rescue helpless pets.” I shrugged.
“Right, and who exactly let her bring them home?” He stared at me, his eyebrows nearly hitting his hairline.
I blinked, then cursed.
“This is going to be fun to watch,” he said before cramming his face with his own burger and walking off toward Morgan and Garrett.
“There’s nothing to watch!” I called after him.
He gave me a thumbs-up and kept walking.
“Really, Jax?”
I paused mid-ketchup and found Brie staring up at me with crossed arms and concerned eyes.
“You really think it’s a good idea to start something with your neighbor? To bring a stranger around Finley? Let alone one who lives next door?”
“Start what? First, I’m not starting anything, Brie. And second, if I was starting something, it wouldn’t be any of your business.” I tried like hell to soften my tone, but given the way she tensed, I hadn’t been successful.
“It’s sure as hell my business who spends time around my niece.”
Something foul curdled in my stomach.
“My daughter. Don’t start with me, Brie.”
“Sorry. I just think Claire—”
“Claire lost any rights she had regarding who I spend time with the day she walked out on us.”
She sucked in a deep breath and blinked a few times, finally forcing a smile. “Just don’t turn your neighbor into a stage-five clinger, especially since I have to work with her.”
“You work with her?” My gaze flickered toward Morgan.
“Yep. She came into the school two days ago to pick up some paperwork. She’s the new fifth-grade teacher—my counterpart next year. So if you can’t keep your dick in your pants for Finley’s sake, please consider me.” She shot me a look that could have had about a dozen meanings—none of them good—and walked off toward a group of mutual friends. I made a mental note to ask Vivian what had set her off today.
So Morgan was a teacher. I could see that.
I took my food over to where Morgan sat with Garrett and Sawyer. She flashed me a smile and motioned to the empty chair, then took another bite of her burger.
“It’s not burned?” I asked.
“Totally is. You should stick to saving people, because barbecue isn’t your talent,” she teased once she’d swallowed, but that didn’t stop her from polishing it off.
“Say it,” Sawyer whispered from next to me.
I watched Morgan laugh at something Garrett said. It was small but there and honest. I couldn’t wait to see who she’d be once she came fully out of her shell.
I should back the hell away from her.
Brie was right in a way. Morgan was my neighbor. Starting anything with her could bring a shit ton of awkwardness to my door that I didn’t need—that Finley definitely didn’t need.
I should have moved over to that group of women hanging out with the mechanics and picked up someone who didn’t live next door. Someone who didn’t need me to explain riptides or push her out of a decaying staircase. Someone who didn’t wear red Hello Kitty underwear that I still couldn’t get out of my head.