“I’ll come with you,” Sam said.

“You cannot!” Paisley shouted.

“I’m sorry? If Morgan’s driving into a hurricane, she at least needs someone riding shotgun!”

I took in her beautiful black dress and perfectly done hair. “No, she’s right, Sam. You are needed here.”

Sam narrowed her eyes at me.

“Tell her,” Paisley huffed.

“Grayson was given leave for the ceremony. His plane lands in about an hour. He’ll be waiting for you at the White House.”

Sam’s jaw dropped. “What?” she asked softly.

I nodded. “Go. You only have two days with him, and you’re not wasting them driving to North Carolina, so go.”

She was torn. It was all over her face.

“I’ll be fine, Sam. Go be with Grayson.” I hauled my suitcase through the door.

“But what about the ceremony?” Paisley followed me down the hall.

I hit the elevator button and turned around. “I think this is exactly what Will would want me to do today. In fact…I think this is why he left the truck to me.”

The doors opened, and I got into the elevator, then punched the button for the bottom floor. “I love you, Paisley.”

“I love you, Morgan!” she cried as the doors shut.

Chapter Thirty


My bag was packed. There was nothing else I could do but wait and think myself to death.

I sat on my bed with my back against the headboard, uncaring that my boots were leaving footprints all over my bedding.

Finley was at Vivian’s.

Vivian had most likely broken her leg, if not her entire hip.

No one could get to them.

Hastings had flown the birds to safety, and Christina was already in Tennessee with family. Everyone else I knew was here.

The hurricane was due to hit in four hours.

Replacements were on their way. It wasn’t like we could leave the people here without aid. Logically, I knew that. Emotionally, I was clawing at the sides of my cage, cursing my own inability to protect my daughter.

My phone rang, and I startled. The power had gone out in Buxton an hour ago, and I’d told Fin to conserve her battery.

Wait. Morgan?

“Morgan?” I swiped the phone to answer. Shit, today was the ceremony, wasn’t it? Was it still the same day?

“They shut the Virginia Dare Bridge!” she shouted. “How do I get over the sound?”

My heart beat just a little softer with the sound of her voice. God, I missed her.

“What? Kitty, it’s really fucking loud. Are you in a car wash?” Why was she asking about the bridge?

“No, I’m not in a car wash! Why the hell would I be in a car wash? They shut the Virginia Dare Bridge, Jackson. I drove an hour out of my way because I knew the others were already closed, but now this one is, too. How do I get over the sound?” she shouted.

I sat up straight. “I know you didn’t ask what I think you just did.”

“Cut the shit!” she yelled.

“Kitty, please tell me that you’re in D.C. with your friends.” My chest constricted.

“I can tell you that, but I’d be lying. Jackson, I need to get across the sound. Please, it’s already so bad out here.”

My eyes slid shut, and I pulled the phone from my face as I fought for control. No, God. Not Morgan, too. No.


“You turn around and go inland. Those bridges are going to be hell, and the storm surge is already at the high tide line. Fuck, I don’t even know if you can get across the Oregon inlet bridge if you do make it across the sound, so please, Morgan. Please do not do this.” She couldn’t know, could she? How would she?

“I’m not leaving without Finley, and Vivian can’t move.”

“Fuck! How do you know?”

“Finley called me!”

My door opened, and Sawyer leaned in, no doubt because I was screaming like a madman. “Morgan, you can’t do this. The Mini will get swept away. Please, baby. Don’t do this.”

“I have the truck, and I know the rule. If you can’t see the bottom of the water, don’t drive through it.”

My eyes flew wide, and Sawyer must have heard her because he nodded. “It’s a heavy-ass truck.”

“That doesn’t apply to ocean waves.” I wasn’t scared. This was three billion levels beyond scared. I was fucking terrified.

“They’re expecting a twelve-foot storm surge. I’ve seen Vivian’s house, Jackson. It can’t take it. We both know it. And we both know there’s only one house that can.”

Hers. There wasn’t enough oxygen in this fucking room.

“I’m the best shot Finley has!”

Sawyer leaned against the wall and nodded slowly.

“Are you seriously going to sit there and let this happen? I’m right here, Jackson. I’m an hour away at most. That’s three hours before landfall. I can make it!”

“I can’t lose you, too!” My voice shook as hard as my hand.

“Driving is driving, no matter where you do it.”

She did not fucking go there.

Sawyer walked across the room, took the phone, and hit speaker. “Where are you, Morgan?”