“I happen to think it’s pretty healthy for a kid to see her dad madly in love.” I held her gaze so she knew I meant every word. I had no problem with Fin seeing me kiss Morgan. It wasn’t like we were getting hot and heavy, but Morgan had kept a five-foot distance from me whenever Fin was in the room after the whole bursting-in-post-orgasm thing Memorial Day weekend. “And I am deeply, madly, wickedly in love with you, Morgan Bartley.”
Her lips parted, and her posture softened just like it did every time I told her that.
I pounced, swinging onto the table and sliding straight across to land in front of Morgan. She gasped as I caged her, putting my hands on the bar on either side of her.
“You aren’t human.” The spark in her eyes was the stuff dreams were made of.
“Kiss me.” I dropped my voice and leaned my body against hers.
She melted and her head tipped up, but she didn’t make her move.
“I don’t care if Fin sees you kiss me. Hell, it would probably give her the only example she’s ever had of what a healthy relationship looks like.” I ran my lips up her jaw as Finley stomped around above us in her room.
“Is that your reason? Or your excuse?” she questioned, her hands fisting in the fabric of my flight suit.
“The only reason I ever need to kiss you is because I want to. And I always want to. You consume an inappropriate amount of my thoughts.”
“My thoughts about you are usually inappropriate, so I think we’re well matched.” Her head fell to the side, and I pressed an openmouthed kiss against her throat, listening for footsteps. Kissing Morgan in front of Fin was one thing, but getting caught in the act of seducing her was another.
“How inappropriate?” I asked against her neck. “Are we talking R rating or NC-17?” I lifted my head slightly.
She turned her face so our lips were a breath apart. “I’ll let you use your imagination.”
My heart rate kicked up. “You’d be surprised at the things I can imagine.”
Her gaze dropped to my lips.
Nearly there.
“You drive me to distraction,” she whispered.
“Pot meet kettle. Kiss me, Kitty.” I was going to lose my mind any second.
“So impatient,” she teased, then closed the inches between us and kissed me.
I kept my groan in check, listened again for Fin’s footsteps upstairs, and sank into Morgan’s mouth.
She gasped and pushed at my chest even as she kissed me back.
“I can hear her upstairs,” I explained against her lips.
Her hands stopped pushing and grabbed instead. I gladly went where she tugged, pressing us against the half wall as I kissed her breathless. The problem with kissing Morgan was that I lost myself in the process. There was no calm control or suave moves. There was just the consuming hunger between us and my insatiable need to please her.
Fin’s footsteps thudded down the stairs, and I slid my tongue from Morgan’s mouth with more than a little regret that we weren’t alone. She whimpered quietly, and I gentled the kiss to a brush of my mouth as Fin came around the corner.
“There you are.” She huffed like she’d been looking everywhere. “Morgan, can Juno spend the night at your house?”
I reluctantly lifted my lips from Morgan’s and grinned.
She blushed bright red and gave me a good glare before turning a sweet smile on Finley. “What, honey? You need me to watch Juno?”
“She bit Mama last week.” She scrunched her face as she hefted the cat into her arms. “And then she peed in Dad’s shoe.”
Morgan stifled a laugh.
“It’s true. That cat hates me.”
“Sure, Fin. Just grab her carrier and her bowls and stuff, and I’ll take her home with me.”
Just when I thought I couldn’t love her more.
“Thank you!” Fin put Juno down and ran for the cat supplies, her unicorn backpack bobbing right along with her.
“You must really love me if you’re willing to babysit Satan’s personal feline.” I grabbed her hips and twisted her to face me.
“I must really love your daughter,” she countered with a smirk, pressing up against me. Her eyes dropped to the current situation in my boxer briefs.
“Can’t help it,” I said with a shrug. “If Finley wasn’t here, I’d have you on your back on the dining room table and your ankles on my shoulders right now.” Fuck, just the thought of it spurred my unruly dick on.
She shook her head and stepped backward, retreating. “Serves you right for kissing me in front of your daughter.”
“You kissed me, actually.”
“Semantics,” she teased with mock shock. “You’d better do something about that. Wouldn’t want the boys at the station to think you’ve got a going-away present for them.”
“Cruel, cruel woman.”
She leaned over the bar, hauled back two giant Ziploc bags, and dangled one. “Take it back.”