We locked eyes, and he held the contact as he repeated the stroke. Erotic. That was the only way to describe it. My head fell back against the pillow as he swirled and swirled. The pleasure of it all coiled low within me, but he didn’t increase the pressure to push me over.

“Jackson,” I demanded with a whimper.

“You don’t like it?” he asked, and I felt his smile before he licked into me again.

“Shit!” I screamed. “Yes, I… What are you doing to me?” He had me strung so tight that I was bound to break at any second.

“Making it last,” he answered.

I was never going to look at his mouth the same way again.

“I’ve wanted you too long for this to be over quickly.” He swiped again, but this time he lightly danced the tip of his tongue over my clit.

My cry was a high-pitched keen as he kept the pressure light enough to inflame but not ignite. “Both!” I shouted.

“I’m sorry?” His eyebrow rose.

My chest heaved, and every nerve in my body felt raw and exposed. “Breakfast and dessert. Have both. Just let me come.”

He pressed a kiss to the line of curls just above my cleft and breathed in deep. “That’s a deal.” Eyes still locked on mine, he sucked my clit into his mouth and lashed at it with his tongue.

That spiral of pleasure in my belly wound so tight that my thighs locked, and when he pressed against me with the flat of his tongue and hummed, I came so hard that I wasn’t sure I still inhabited my own body.

Waves of pleasure came for me as I called his name, each one a little less intense than the last as he carefully brought me down from the high. My entire body jolted when he swept his tongue through my core one last time, then rose above me.

“You are a sorcerer,” I accused through my brain fog. “Pants. Off. Now.”

He grinned but did as I demanded without correcting me that they weren’t pants. I fumbled for the packet in the covers next to me, found it, and ripped it open as he climbed back between my thighs.

I bit my lip with anticipation at the sheer size of him. If there were perfect dicks in the world, then Jackson had one of them. He hissed, his stomach muscles tensing as I rolled the condom over him, then squeezed his length lightly. He was hard as stone and so hot that he warmed my palm.

I raised my hands to his shoulders as he hovered over me, his weight braced on one elbow as he positioned himself at my entrance with the other.

“Tell me you want this.” His eyes searched mine as if there was any chance I’d changed my mind.

“It’s been four years,” I blurted. “And there were only two others.”

His jaw popped once. Twice. The strain was evident in every line of his face as he lifted his hand to cup mine. “I’ll be careful. And I don’t care who came before as long as you’re mine now.”

“Only yours,” I promised with a nod. “And don’t…I don’t want to know your number. Not right now, anyway.” Mercy, I was babbling. The hottest, most important moment of my life and I couldn’t hush up.

His eyes flared with amusement, but the rest of him was tense. “No one who came before mattered as much as you do.”

I swallowed, knowing there was at least one and hating myself for letting her into this moment.

He brushed a soft kiss on my lips, as if he read my thoughts. “I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you. I don’t want to just possess your body right now. I want your fucking soul, Morgan.”

“Is that your way of saying you’re mine, too?” The pressure of him at my core made me adjust my hips slightly, taking him inside me just the slightest inch.

There was that jaw pop again, but his eyes were still tender. “You already own my soul. I’m yours.”

My heart threatened to explode; the ache was that sweet and strong.

“I want this,” I assured him, hooking an ankle over his back. “I want you, Jackson.”

He kissed me hard and rolled his hips, filling me with one long thrust. We both cried out. There was a slight burn as my muscles stretched to accommodate him, but it was nothing compared to the sensation of having him inside me.

His mouth tensed over mine, and his eyes squeezed shut so tight that he looked like he was in pain as he fought for control. One breath. Two. Three. Four passed before his gaze met mine. His pupils were blown, and his muscles were tight under my fingers.

“You feel so fucking good,” he groaned. “Are you okay?”

“God, yes.” I clenched my core instinctively.

“Good.” His mouth took mine as he pulled back and pushed in again, which had us both groaning. “I’m going to live here. Right here,” he promised, then set a rhythm with hard, slow thrusts.