Page 428 of A Kiss For You

Marc’s eyes landed on me first. “You fucking douche,” Marc spat. “You spent all this time taking everything away from me, and now, you took more than six years away from me and my son.”

“We’ll see,” I said.

Marc stalked right over to me and got in my face. Emery squeezed my hand.

“I’m here to take my son back.”

“You can try,” I told him. And fail.

Just then, the door to the lawyer’s office opened, and my lawyer, Jake McCarty, appeared. He was a short, stocky man, who had been my father’s lawyer before me. He knew his shit, and he knew how to get his clients what they wanted.

“You can all come in now.”

We moved into a large conference room with Marc and Vanessa on one side and me and Emery on the other.

“Does she have to be here for this?” Vanessa asked. “She’s not even involved!”

“She stays,” I told her crisply.

“She’s fine by me,” Jake said with a nod at Emery. “Considering my client has made it clear that he wants Miss Robinson in his life and eventually in Colton’s life, I think her presence makes sense for this.”

“Never happening,” Vanessa hissed.

“We’ll see,” I said calmly.

“After going over everything in the last twenty-four hours, I got a judge to approve my request that no new people could be introduced into Colton’s life until we have this all sorted out. That includes you, Miss Robinson, and Mr. Tarman. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the concern over who is the father to Colton Wright, I’ve also asked my client, Mr. Wright, not to have contact with Colton until we have this all resolved. All of this is, of course, temporary, barring no complications in the proceedings. Is that all understood and acceptable?”

The other lawyers agreed with the terms even though Marc looked ready to explode that he had come all this way and had no access to Colton. I was pleased with that even though I was pissed that I couldn’t see my own son.

“Additionally, I’ve requested a paternity test be taken immediately to determine who is Colton’s biological father. That test should be administered at this location,” he said, passing paperwork to both me, Marc, and Vanessa, “within forty-eight hours.”

“My client disagrees that a paternity test is necessary,” Marc’s lawyer said. “He was the only one sleeping with Ms. Hendricks at the time in which Colton was conceived. There is no doubt in his mind that Colton is his.”

“If there is no doubt, then he won’t have any problem with the test,” Jake said dryly. “And, furthermore, if he is so certain, why is he just now coming forward?”

Marc’s lawyer glanced at Marc, as if to say, Want to go to bat? “When Ms. Hendricks told my client she was pregnant, she said the child belonged to Mr. Wright, and she was going to stop seeing my client. He chose to believe her, but it appears that she has been lying to both of them this whole time.”

Vanessa gasped, as if Marc’s lawyer had slapped her. Either way, she was the villain. I approved.

“Regardless of Ms. Hendricks’s actions or comments during or after the pregnancy, a paternity test is mandatory to determine the custody situation for Colton. Our first priority is his continued health, especially his mental health. The last thing we want to do is introduce new people to him without first being sure that what we are doing is legal. If your client wishes to have any contact with Colton, then he must submit to a paternity test.”

“I’ll do it,” Marc said, cutting his own lawyer off.

“Good. Then, we will reconvene after the results have come in, and then we can determine what will happen next.”

Marc and Vanessa glared at me before filing out of the room and leaving the three of us alone.

“That went as well as expected,” I told Jake.

He shook my hand and nodded. “The test takes a few days, Jensen. Don’t do anything foolish in the meantime.”

“Foolish?” I countered.

“Like kidnapping your son.”

I couldn’t deny that I’d thought about it. I wanted to steal Colton away and never have anyone interfere in our lives again. But I wouldn’t. I would be a mess and in a total panic if Vanessa ever did such a thing. I could never do that to her, no matter what she had done to me. And I could never hurt Colton like that.

“I won’t.”

“Good. I might recommend that you take some time off. Just get away for a few days. I can handle the heavy lifting from here, and you should try to take your mind off of this until we get the results in. If you stay here, I suspect you’ll do something else foolish…like assault Marc Tarman,” Jake said with a measured look. “Again.”

“I think, this time, he wouldn’t be so generous,” I said, thinking about how he hadn’t pressed charges all those years ago.