Page 355 of A Kiss For You

“Hey, man!” Patrick said.

We shook hands and clapped each other on the back. I’d known Patrick forever. He was practically family. And, if Morgan didn’t stop mooning over him, he’d end up as family for real.

“Hey, Pat. What did you think of the ceremony?” I asked.

Patrick cracked a grin. “Typical Sutton.”

“That is the damn truth.”

“She seems happy at least,” Morgan interjected. Her eyes were glued on our younger sister, who was at the center of the dance party.

“She always looks like that,” I said.

“Fact,” Patrick agreed.

“Oh, shit,” Morgan groaned.

I followed her gaze and saw Miranda storming across the room with Landon on her tail. Pretty common occurrence honestly. That was what their relationship always fucking looked like. I still did not understand how that idiot had ended up with her. And I hated that my failed marriage wasn’t warning enough for him.

“I’m going to go check on him,” Morgan said with a sigh.

“Just leave them,” I insisted. “Your hatred of Miranda will only make it worse.”

Morgan grinned wickedly. “Will it? Well then, I’ll just be a minute.”

I shook my head at my evil sister and watched her stalk out of the room toward Landon and Miranda. I wouldn’t wish Miranda upon my worst enemy, let alone my brother. But, for a while now, Morgan and I had been on Operation Miranda, which consisted of seeing how far we could push Landon into divorcing her.

But, despite my brother’s issues, my mind was still on that girl. There were hundreds of people in attendance for Sutton’s wedding. She could be anywhere. I just needed to find her.

“Oh no,” Patrick said.

I raised an eyebrow in question.

“You’ve got that look on your face.”

“What look?” I asked.

“The one you get in the boardroom. It’s the same one you get chasing pussy.”

I grunted at Patrick. He wasn’t wrong. “I hope she’s as big of a challenge as the Tarman merger I’m working on right now.”

Patrick laughed in that unabashed way of his. “I doubt it. You’re a fucking Wright, man. Girls are not a challenge.”

My grin returned at that. “We’ll see.”

That was when I saw her. Her body was turned, facing the exit. She had an empty glass of champagne in her hand, and fuck, did she look gorgeous. A tightly fitted dress showed off every single curve on her body. Her hair was tugged off to one side, and I almost licked my lips at the thought of kissing down her throat. I couldn’t wait to hear her moan my name into the night.

I picked up a tray of champagne on the way over to meet the brunette. I was glad that she was standing with two of my employees so I had an easy in for the conversation.

I knew all of my employees’ names who worked at the corporate headquarters for Wright Construction. I personally welcomed every employee and made sure they knew their value. No one was going to work at my company and not feel appreciated. I knew how I had gotten to where I was. I never planned to take it for granted.

“Ladies,” I said with a charming grin. I offered the tray to the group of women standing with the brunette. “You looked like you could use a refill.”

“Oh, look at that service,” Heidi said, winking at the other girl.

“Not every day you get champagne from the boss,” Julia said. She took a glass herself.

“Thanks,” the other girl said. She exchanged her empty glass with one from the tray.

A waiter immediately snaked over and removed the tray from my hands.

“Are y’all enjoying the party?” I asked.

“It’s nice,” Julia said.

“Your sister sure likes to dance,” Heidi said.

The brunette girl’s lips thinned, and she stared down into her champagne.

Okay, different tactic.

“Well, I’m glad you could make it. Who is your friend?” I asked pointedly, turning my attention to the brunette.

She glanced up from her champagne. Her eyes were wide open and as vivid green as I had ever seen. Her mouth opened slightly, and that vision was more intoxicating than my whiskey.

“Heidi,” she groaned, “what did you do to my face?”

“This is…Em,” Heidi said over Em’s widened eyes of disapproval.

I wasn’t sure what that was all about. She seemed particularly affronted that I was asking about her. I was sure I’d never seen her before. I definitely would have remembered.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Jensen,” I said, trying to smooth over her concerns.

“Uh-huh,” Em murmured. She took a long sip of her champagne, as if she were looking for liquid courage.

I couldn’t get a read on her. I didn’t know if she was actually uncomfortable around me or if she was just nervous. But she seemed like she wasn’t sure how she was supposed to be acting right now.

“Head of Wright Construction, Em,” Heidi said, nudging her with her hip.

Em shot her a withering stare. “I know who he is.”