Page 112 of A Kiss For You

And just like that, I’d talked myself into asking Bodie to a wedding.

Heart ninja. I was helpless to fight him. He was just too sneaky.

I bolted out the door the second I got the text that Penny was home, barely waving goodbye to my brother and Phil. Her name cycled through my brain with every footfall.

I had news — big news — and there was only one person in the world I found myself wanting to tell.


I should have been scared out of my mind at the fact that she’d already become the person I told everything, especially since we’d been dancing around what we meant to each other for two weeks. But I wasn’t. I was too happy to be afraid, which was so beyond stupid that I thought I might have made it back around to smart again.

My heart banged from taking her stairs two at a time. Seconds after knocking, the door swung open, and there she was.

Just when I thought my heart couldn’t beat any harder, it proved me wrong.

She stood there in the doorway in nothing but lingerie.

No, I couldn’t even call it lingerie. It was like an elaborate necklace; from the collar hung dozens of silver chains that flowed around her naked breasts and torso, swaying with every breath, connected to a ring a few inches below her belly button. More chains hung down from there, draping over the perfect curve of her hips and upper thighs, and from the center of the ring was a chain tassel that brushed against her piercing.

Something about the swing and shine of it, the peekaboo of the tattoos covering her milky-white skin, the way the chains moved on either side of her breasts, her nipples pink and taut, framed by barbells — all of it overloaded my senses, and I found myself standing stupidly in the hallway, staring in wonder.

She laughed and reached out just enough to grab my shirt to pull me into the apartment, closing the door behind me.

I palmed her breast as she stepped into me, and I finally got a good look at the rest of her. Her hair was a brighter purple than it had been yesterday, and her lips were blood red and smiling at me. She wore a headband of some sort, but it ran across her forehead with hundreds of tiny chains hanging down, shielding her eyes just enough to drive me crazy.

“You like it?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

All I could do was nod and kiss her.

God, she felt so good pressed up against me, her bare ass in my hands, her tongue against mine as I tasted her like it was the first time.

She broke away and smiled, taking my hand before turning for her bedroom.

The back of the contraption she had on was almost bare with another ring just over her ass where another little tassel swung with the sway of her hips, and more draping chains followed the curve of her backside.

“Where the fuck did you get this thing?” I breathed in appreciation.

She shot me a smile over her shoulder. “The store.”

I shook my head as we stepped into her room. “I need to check out the stores where you shop.”

She laughed at that and closed the door. The lights were low, just a few small lamps to bathe the room in a golden light, and her portable speaker played a slow, sexy sort of electronic music. Her hips moved to the beat just a little, sending the chains swinging and my cock straining.

I pulled off my shirt and dropped it by the door, kicking off my shoes as she closed her eyes, her body moving in a wave to the music like I wasn’t in the room. I took the hint, dropping my pants and stepping out of them before moving in her direction.

She didn’t want me to stop her — she would have looked at me if she had — so I climbed onto her bed and sat propped up against the pillows, watching her.

With every roll of her hips, my pulse ticked faster, and my eyes drank her in — her hair, her shrouded eyes, the light catching the metal hanging on her. Her lily-white hands moved down her body and across her breasts, her fingers grazing her nipples.

I gripped my cock — it was so hard it hurt — stroking myself to ease the ache, wishing it were her around me, but I wouldn’t have stopped her if you’d paid me.

She spun around, sending the chains arching around her, her hips still shifting, her torso rolling, just like it did when she rode me. Her lips parted as she looked down, her neck and shoulders rocking opposite her hips, and when her hands moved down her body and between her legs, when her long white finger disappeared into herself, my cock throbbed in my fist.