Page 429 of A Kiss For You

“No, he wouldn’t,” Jake said flatly.

Emery’s hand went into mine again. I hadn’t realized I’d been clenching my fists.

“I’ll take care of him,” she said.

My solid rock.

God, I believed her.

Chapter 35


“There’s one thing I don’t understand,” I said as we left the lawyer’s office behind.

“Just one?” Jensen asked.

“Well, probably a lot of things but one in particular.”

“What’s that?”

“Why didn’t you ever get a paternity test done?”

“You mean…if I thought that Colton was Marc’s all along, why didn’t I confirm it?”


That had been bugging me from the start. He had just let that stand without confirmation. It would have driven me crazy.

“For a couple reasons. Proof could have only hurt me. Proof could have taken him away. Proof could have shattered our reality. If I got a paternity test, and it said, as I suspect it will in a couple days, that Colton is Marc’s son, then I could lose him. But if I never got one done, then Vanessa only had the threat to hang over my head, and nothing else.

“That makes sense. You didn’t want her to take him away. So, you never gave her the proof she needed to do it.”

“Right, but the other reason is because I didn’t need a paternity test to tell me that Colton is my son. I didn’t need the confirmation. Colton is my son. Regardless of biology or anything else. He’s mine. I love him.”

My eyes widened, and a smile stretched my face.

“I didn’t need proof when I held him in my arms every day and watched him grow up. I had all the proof I needed when he kissed me good night and called me Daddy.”

A tear glimmered in my eye, and I wrapped my arms around his waist, drawing him into a hug. He held me tight and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

“You’re a good dad, Jensen Wright.”

“It is what I have always endeavored to be.”

I released Jensen and wiped my eyes. “Don’t ever let them take that away from you. No matter what.”

He warily stared down at me. “If they take my son from me, I will no longer be a good person. There’ll be little hope for anything else.”

He moved past me and took the driver’s seat in the Mercedes. It took me a couple of seconds to get composed. I couldn’t imagine what he was feeling or how he was handling this right now. My heart went out to him, and I truly feared that, if all went as I suspected it would, with Marc’s test coming back as Colton’s father, that Marc and Vanessa would wreck him.

With a gulp, I followed Jensen into the car. We drove across town to the lab specified on the form. I told Jensen I would wait in the lobby while he got his test done. It took forever. I wasn’t sure why since all he had to do was a normal cotton swab or a blood test. But that was a doctor’s office for you.

I flipped through my phone and read a few magazines while I waited. By the time he finally came out, I had a full plan of action for the few days we’d have to wait until the tests came back.

“Painless?” I asked as we exited.

“Yeah. Now, the waiting begins.”

“I have an idea about that.”

“Hmm?” he asked, distracted.

“I thought we might disappear for a bit. Not too long but just to get your mind off of things.”

“Are you really sure I should leave?”

“I think it would be good. Plus, your lawyer agrees.”

“Yeah, but what if Vanessa does something crazy or Marc interferes? What if I’m not here?” he asked.

“We won’t go far. I promise.”

He sighed, knowing I was right. “All right.”

“You could come meet Bethany when I stop by my place to get clothes.”

“I’d like that.”

Jensen drove us to Kimber’s place in a hurry. He took corners so fast, I thought we were going to go flying. But I didn’t tell him to stop or slow down. I knew what had kindled this aggression.

Heidi’s car was in the driveway when we showed up. And she greeted us at the door with baby Bethany.

“Hey, cutie,” I said, accepting her like a present.

“About time you showed up!” Heidi said with a grin. “Hey, Jensen.”

“Heidi,” he said with a smile.

She gave me a strange look, as if she couldn’t figure out what was up with us. How could I blame her? I was sure she was wondering what the hell was happening with us. Last she had heard, we’d gotten in a fight on New Year’s Eve, and now, he was showing up to see the baby. There was a lot I needed to explain, and there was no time like the present to do it.

“She’s so cute,” I said with a grin.

“Isn’t she?” Kimber said from the couch. “Noah’s at work, and Lily is upstairs, napping.”