Page 84 of Idol (VIP 1)


“Libs?” My voice is barely above a whisper in the dark hotel bedroom.

Hers comes back just as soft. “Yeah?”

“When I told you I’d never had a girlfriend, it wasn’t to score points. It was a warning.”

Sheets rustle as she lifts up on her elbow. The soft fall of her hair slides over her shoulder, the silky tips tickling my arm. “Warning?”

I roll on my side and pick up a lock of her hair. “That I have no idea what I’m doing. That I’ll probably do stupid shit.”

“Killian, what the hell are you talking about?” She doesn’t sound annoyed, more amused.

My eyes have adjusted to the dark enough that I can make out her features. Naked and mussed after hours of sex, she’s also so beautiful, I’m having a hard time concentrating. But her brows lift a little as if to prompt me to speak.

“I’m sorry,” I tell her.

“Sorry? Why?” She shakes her head. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I hurt you. And it hurts me too.”

I’m pretty sure if I kiss her now, I’m not going to stop. So I give the ends of her hair a gentle tug in acknowledgment. “Same goes, baby doll.” A sigh escapes me before I can rein it in. “You were right. I push too hard to get what I believe is best, and I don’t think things through. Tonight was a shit show. Just as you predicted.”

Already, the press is going crazy. I haven’t told her about the social media frenzy and the way the world is now demanding our story—and to know everything about her. I don’t want that nonsense invading this space.

She doesn’t say anything for a second, then her warm palm finds my chest. I close my eyes as she smooths her hand over my skin. “We were both wrong. And both right.”

I blow out a breath and look up at her. “I’m going to have Brenna put out a statement that we fell for each other during the tour, and that’s all we’re giving them.”

Libby’s brows draw together. “Why?”

“Because your happiness is more important to me than anything else.” A dark, ugly slide of regret goes down my insides. “And I’ll be damned if anyone treats you the way Jax did tonight. I’m sorry about that too, Libs. So fucking sorry.”

Her hand slides up to my neck as she leans down and kisses my chest, right over my heart. Soft lips brush over my nipple before her little teeth nip it. My abs tighten in response, and a familiar heat surges up my tired, but clearly still eager, cock. Libby gives me one more tender kiss, then braces her arms on my chest. “Promise me something.”

“Anything.” My arms come around her waist, tugging her closer.

She smiles. “You might regret answering so easily.”

“Never.” I kiss the crook of her neck, stroke her hair.

“Don’t be mad at Jax.”

Well, hell. I draw back enough to meet her gaze. “Feelings are a little hard to ignore, Libs. And I’m fucking pissed.”

The tip of her finger traces my eyebrow. “I know you are. I’m asking you not to be. You need each other.”

I want to argue, but she talks over me.

“And you aren’t happy when you’re pissed at him.”

“There are times when I truly dislike that you read me so well,” I tell her.

“He has a right to be mad. I was wrong to ask you to hide it from your friends, and I plan to apologize in the morning.”

My back teeth clench. “He had better apologize in return. That shit was uncalled for—”

“Killian,” she chides. “Let it go. I don’t want to regret what I did tonight.”

“Regret it?” I scoff, dragging her fully on top of me where she belongs. Her soft tits pillow on my chest, and I grunt with contentment. “You’d better not. That was hot as hell. Very Officer and a Gentleman.”

She giggles. I love when my girl giggles. She needs more lightness in her life. “What are you on?”

“It was,” I protest, kissing the tip of her nose. “I half expected you to pick me up and carry me out of there.”

Her laugh is full-out now. “Nerd.”

I nod. “And I loved seeing you jealous.”

“I was not,” she protests, her nose wrinkling in disgust.

“Was too.”

“Not even.”

“So much. Your skin had a green tint. Pretty, but not as pretty as it is now, all sex-flushed and wanting more. It’s okay, you know. I’ll give it to you. I’m easy that way.”

Her laughter shakes her body, the smooth curve of her belly pressing into my hard dick. She shakes her head again. “Good. I’ll always want it from you.” Her eyes glint in the dim light. “And I was jealous.”

“That’s it.” I roll over, pinning her to the bed. “No sleep tonight. Because I need to make a few things clear, and it might take some time.”