Page 76 of Idol (VIP 1)

“Maybe we’d better have Jules order a box of Depends just in case.”

Yep. The whole tour.

When I finally let myself into her room, I’m tense, irritable, and ready to climb the damn walls.

Libby is in the bedroom and calls out a faint “hey” as I set the keycard down on the console and toe off my shoes. My insides are still jumpy, but I can’t ignore the simple fact that walking into a space that contains Liberty is like stepping into a hot shower after a long show. My muscles release. I can breathe. I feel like myself again.

Her disembodied voice comes from the bedroom. “You know what sucks?”

“When cable networks decided to split TV seasons in half?” I peel my shirt off and toss it aside, heading her way. “I mean, what is that shit? Don’t make us pay just because you have a slow-as-fuck production schedule.”

“Don’t really watch TV.”

Halting in the doorway, I press a hand to my heart with a pained groan. “That’s it; we can’t be together anymore. And what the hell are you doing?”

Liberty stands on her tiptoes at the top of the bed, her sweet ass peeking out from under the edge of one of my T-shirts while she tries to reach something on the ceiling. “What I wouldn’t give for a broom. I’m trying to get this moth—”

My yelp effectively cuts her off. I scramble back to the edge of the door. “Moth? Where is the fucking moth!”

Libby turns, her mouth hanging open. “What on Earth?”

A cold sweat breaks out over my skin as I eye the tiny hell devil fluttering around the pot light over the bed. Jesus, did I miss that? It makes a move my way, and I shout, jumping farther back. “Kill it, woman! Kill. It!”

Libby sputters out a laugh then does a double-take when I fall onto the arm chair. “You’re serious.”

I don’t take my eyes of Mothra. “Are you going to kill it, or am I calling security?”

Snickering, she picks up a pillow.

Horror arcs through my gut. “Not the pillow—” She smashes it into the moth. And I shudder. “Damn it, I’m not using that pillow. Ever again.”

“We’ll wash the case.”

“Not good enough. Put the pillow in the hall.”

Libby gives me a side-long look as she grabs a tissue and cleans up the little moth carcass. Or I think that’s what she’s doing. I can’t watch.

“Is it gone?”

Libby’s warm thighs slide over mine, and her weight settles on me. Even though I’m still creeped out by the moth previously hanging out above my bed—just fucking waiting to get me when I slept—my hands immediately seek her, smoothing over her soft skin and grabbing hold of her ass. God, I love her ass, plump yet toned. I could squeeze it all day.

She makes a little throaty noise, her arms coming up to wrap around my neck, and heat flares up my thighs. I tug her closer, wanting her over my dick. She doesn’t resist, but she’s definitely distracted.

“What’s with the moths?” she asks, placing a soft kiss at the corner of my eye.

It’s weird to shiver with both the pleasure of her kiss and revulsion for the moth. As good as she feels, an intruder moth has the power to send me running. I grimace and concentrate on her scent, her warm skin. “I hate them.”

Libby makes a soft sound. “I got that. Why?” Her fingers trace patterns through my shorn hair.

“It’s stupid.” I kiss my way up her neck. “I was nine. At summer camp. A moth flew in my ear, started fluttering around…” A full-body shudder threatens to dislodge Libby from my lap, and I squeeze her tight, pressing my face into her hair. “Let’s not talk about it.”

She chuckles, her hands roaming over my shoulders, my nape. “Poor Killian. Don’t worry; you’re safe now.”

I grunt, nudging her with my hips. “I’m not convinced. Kiss it and make it better, Libs.”

I can almost feel her smile. “Where does it hurt, baby?”

“The tip of my dick.”

Libby hums, rocking against said dick. “Hmm… So a moth crawled up your—”

With a yell, I leap up, sending her butt to the floor, where she cracks up as I jump away. I glare as my chest lifts and falls. “You are fucking evil. Evil.”

I try not to notice that her shirt is around her waist and her legs are spread wide as she lays there laughing her ass off. Libby wipes her eyes. “You walked right into that one.”

No, I won’t smile. Growling like I mean it, I swoop down and haul her up. She squeals as I throw her over my shoulder and toss her onto the bed, landing on top of her before she can get away. Caging her between my arms, I frown down at her. She just smiles and laughs.