Page 56 of Idol (VIP 1)

“Babe, you are hot as fuck this way.”

In the act of taking off the hoodies, he pauses. A shocked laugh bursts out of him. “‘Babe?’”

“Yeah.” I catch the cute little lobe of his ear and suckle it. “You’re a total babe so…”

“I’ve never been anyone’s babe. Kind of love being yours.” Killian tosses the hoodie out of the way and kisses his way down my neck, pausing every now and then to touch each spot as if he needs to reassure himself that I’m really here. His warm breath gusts over my skin as he sighs into the hollow of my throat. “You smell edible.”

“Pretty sure it’s from being rubbed all over with oils.”

I feel him smile against my neck. “You’re giving me ideas, baby doll.” A big warm hand runs up my calf and slides under my dress. “So soft. You have fun today, Libs?”

That hand moves higher, finding my butt like it’s on a mission. I wiggle a little when he gives me a possessive squeeze. “Are you wearing a thong?” He goes to peek, lifting my skirt, but I swat his hand back down.

“Today was awesome. Thank you.” Leaning back a little, I meet his heated gaze. “You haven’t said anything about my makeover. Do you like it?”

Killian slowly blinks as if coming out of a daze. “You’re beautiful. But you always are. I’d say something better, but…hell…I just see you.”

Warmth floods my chest. “That’s more than enough.”

He hums a little, his gaze sliding over my face and wandering down. “Now, this dress…” The calloused tips of his fingers ease under the silky top and gently stroke my nipple. I catch my breath, molten heat pouring over me. “This dress,” he murmurs, “is another story.”

Back and forth he goes, caressing my breast, giving it a light squeeze, fondling my now-stiff nipple with a lazy sort of slowness. I can only bite my lip, close my eyes, and arch my back, trying to follow his touch, beg for more.

His other hand moves from under my skirt to reach around to the snap of my collar. One flick and the whisper soft silk slithers to my lap, leaving me exposed. My breasts tremble as the car bounces over a rut. My nipples stand stiff and swollen, waiting for him to give them attention.

Every inch of me tenses with a delicious tightness. No one can see through the glass. But the idea that someone might heightens my lust.

“Fuck, I’ve missed this sight,” he rasps just before leaning down to suck a nipple into his mouth.

So good, the way he tugs at it—not too hard, but greedy, like he loves to torture me. I groan, my hands coming up to capture the back of his head and hold him.

“Damn it,” he says, his lips teasing the aching tip. “Our first time is not going to be in the back of a limo.”

I struggle to catch a breath. “Then why did you take my top down?”

“Couldn’t resist. Needed to see the girls again.” He kisses one nipple then the other, greeting them. “Ladies.”

Between my legs, I’m swollen and tender. I shift my thighs and press into the hard lump of his cock where it’s nudging me. “Tell me you have condoms.”

The tip of his tongue runs down the small curve of my breast. “Are you kidding me? I’ve been walking around all day with a stack in my back pocket.”

“Take one out and get in me.” I wrap my legs around him and give him a glare. “Now.”

“Ah, baby doll, I love how much you want it.” He gives me a swift, deep kiss. “But I’m not caving. I’m gonna do you right. Naked and in my bed.”

The evil tease. Thinking he’s cute with that shit-eating grin, and looking so gorgeous I could cry. With a loud sigh, I lift one arm over my head, which brings my breasts up higher. His gaze follows the movement and grows slumberous.

“You asked if I was wearing a thong,” I say, slowly parting my thighs. The action grabs his attention enough that he moves back to kneel on the limo floor before me. My skirt rides up. I reach down and ease it farther. Cool air kisses my skin. “I’m not.”

An audible swallow, and then Killian’s body does a full shudder as he grips the edges of the seat. “Fuck. Me.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to do,” I tell him as he stares like a man starved at my exposed sex.

“Oh, Libs,” he says softly. “Look how wet you are. That pretty pussy all puffy and pouting for it.” The tip of his finger slides along those swollen lips. “You hurting here?”

I shift my hips, heat licking up my thighs and pooling between my legs. “Yeah,” I whisper.

He nods. “Yeah, you are.” That finger runs back and forth, ghosting over my clit and sliding down to my opening. I moan, spreading my legs wider, and he nudges a rough fingertip in just enough to make me feel it. I rock my hips, trying to take him in. He has mercy and pushes that long finger into me. I moan in gratitude.