“Not singing tonight?”

I looked up at Seb with my eyebrows arched. “When have you ever seen me on that damn machine?”

“There was the ill-fated Tina Turner attempt when you were fresh off binging that stupid Creek show Holley made me watch.” He took the seat Dylan had just vacated. “He’s not joining the Queen crew over there, is he?”

“He is. I’m a little scared.”

“He’s probably going to be terrible. He’s gotta have one flaw.”

I glanced at him, fighting a laugh. “I know what you’re doing. Holley sent you here.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You have a dreadful poker face, Sebastian Stone.”

He laughed, putting his beer down on the table. “All right, fine, Holley sent me to talk to you. But I was going to anyway.”

“Great. I thought this was supposed to be a fun night out, not rib on Saylor all right.”

“I’m not going to rib on you, Say. I think you’re right to have reservations about the way you feel, but I’m the one you should talk to about this.”

“Are you, now? And whys that?”

“Because I’m his closest friend. And that means I know things.”

“You know things.” I gave him a weary look. “Can you just cut to the chase? If I wanted a nonsensical conversation, I’d call my grandmother.”

He bit back a laugh. “How you’re feeling right now is exactly how he’s feeling.”

“What do you know about how I feel?”

“It’s obvious, Saylor. I’ve caught you watching him almost as many times as I’ve caught him watching you. You laugh more when Dylan’s around, and you’re more relaxed with him than you are anyone else.” He nudged me. “It’s a bit like Tori and Colton, except they fight instead of laugh.”

I didn’t know what to say. I honestly wasn’t entirely sure how I felt about Dylan outside of wanting to ride him like a horse, and that was where this all got complicated.

It would be easier if I was halfway in love with him, if I was perfectly honest.

“Maybe tonight is a good thing,” Seb said after a moment, keeping his voice low. “You’re relaxed, you’ve hung out, and you’ve had a few drinks. It could easily be written off as a mistake if it goes wrong.”

“But it can’t, and that’s the problem.” I met his gaze. “It can’t be written off.”

“You’re doing the same thing Holley did when I came back to town.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and drew me into him. “You’re focusing so much on what could go wrong, you’re forgetting that with just a little effort, it could go very, very right.”

I sighed. “I know you’re right, but I don’t go well with dating. We don’t mix.”

“Or, on the other hand, you just haven’t found anyone worth dating. Until now.” He smiled, then leaned in and kissed the side of my hair the way a big brother would. “Give him a chance, Saylor. It’s not like he’s going anywhere.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Don’t.” Seb stood up and looked down at me with a grin. “You’ll just do what you guys always do—think yourselves out of it.”

“Wow. Right in the heart.” I clapped my hand over my chest like he’d wounded me. “The pain.”

Laughing, he disappeared, leaving me alone right as the motley crew that were nowhere near as good as Queen took to the karaoke stage. It took me two seconds to lose my control and burst into giggles. They looked and sounded absolutely ridiculous, and my gaze hovered on Dylan a little too long.

That was only because Seb had just mentioned it, wasn’t it? It had to be. I was only aware of it and doing it because he’d pointed it out.

Oh, fucking hell.

I was annoying myself at this point.

No, it wasn’t. I did spend too long looking at him. I did constantly steal glances at him.

And I was using him in my fantasies with my vibrator, for goodness sake.


I downed my drink and headed for the bar. I had no idea where anyone else was, but a quick glance toward the karaoke showed them all there, and Seb had joined the girls.

I muscled my way in at the bar, peering over my shoulder a few times in an attempt to keep tabs on everyone. The guys finished up on stage, and for a few moments, I lost track of everyone as a group moved past.

Damn it.

I ordered my drink and got on my tiptoes, straining to see over people’s heads. I couldn’t see anyone, so I was just going to stay here. I figured someone would find me e—

I squealed at the pair of hands that landed on my shoulders.

“It’s me!”

I turned around to see Dylan standing behind me, laughing. I slugged him in the arm. “You dick! You scared me!”

“Sorry. I thought you’d seen me coming.” He slid in next to me so that our bodies were practically pressed against one another. “Have you ordered?”