“Yes. I would know. I am one.” I dumped the zoodles into the frying pan. “I can’t even stand my own drama, let alone anyone else’s. Why do you think I refused to take a female as my roommate? It’s bad enough the amount of time you spend in the shower.”

“I spend less than half the time you do in the shower, in the bathroom entirely.”

“And it’s still ten minutes too long.”

“Never mind. I get it. You’re right. You are drama.”

“Thank you.”

“Are you thanking me for saying you’re dramatic?”

I snorted. “No. I know I’m dramatic. Although I’m not as bad as Kinsley or Holley, for what it’s worth.” I put the chicken breasts on the George Foreman grill and closed it down. “I’m just saying, I don’t know why you don’t go out with Rosie. You’ve had, like, one date since I’ve known you.”

“That’s what, four months?”


“Saylor, you’ve had none. Unless you count Valentine’s with me.”

“I don’t count Valentine’s with you, dear, no.” I flashed him a smirk.

He shrugged. “All right, then I’m definitely only on one date.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I like it when you call me dear. It’s funny.”

“Really? I was hoping it would be as annoying as when you call me Pinky.”

He grinned, his eyes lighting up with silent laughter. “Why do you think I do it?”

I slapped his stomach with the back of my hand. “Get out of my way.”

“Oof.” He grabbed my hand. “That’s rude.”

“You’re rude. You’re in my way.” I nudged him again, this time harder. “Go on. Move it.”

He did not move.

I used my entire body weight and managed to get him to move just enough that I could slip in behind him so I could get to the cupboard. Dylan was not in the mood for co-operation, evidently—or he was giving me a taste of my own medicine which was more likely—and fell back against the counter.

“Oomph!” All the air felt as if it wooshed from my lungs. He was tall, muscular, and made of fucking rock, so it was like having a, well, a rock fall on me. “Get off me,” I squeaked.

“Nah. I think I’ll stay here.”

“You’re being extremely irritating.”

“Now you know how I felt earlier when you wouldn’t stop saying flow.”

Despite myself, I laughed. Then used every bit of strength my weak ass possessed to turn around.

Of course, now my boobs were pressed flat against his back.

It was kind of better when we were butt to butt.

“You’re squashing me.”

“You’re a comfortable seat,” he mused.

“You’re not sitting on me.”

“I can if you want.”

“I believe that works better when the girl sits on the guy.”

He chuckled, but it was a deep one that made his whole body shake. “Excellent point. Wanna do that instead?”

“Oh, get off!” I pushed him off and scooted out before that went too far.


No way.

I mean, yeah. I wanted to. If he were anyone else, I’d be riding him like a bull going for a red flag.

But nobody needs to do the morning after with their roommate.

So we weren’t even going to joke about it, thank you very much.

I took the oil I’d fetched from the cupboard and put a splash into the frying pan, then set the butter to melt. The chicken wouldn’t take long.

Dylan gave me the space to cook. I was glad I’d decided on this meal since it was easy and quick but still delicious.

It was also super low carb which meant I was having donuts for breakfast tomorrow.

You know what that is?



The food was done only mere minutes later, and I put both the zoodles and chicken on our plates then drizzled the cheese sauce over it. We took our respective plates to the sofa where I was the first to grab the remote.

“Ah-ha!” I held it up in triumph, almost knocking my plate off my legs and onto the floor.

Dylan looked at the plate. “That would have been karma.”

“That would have been eating yours,” I shot back. “Ooh, Harry Potter is on!”

He groaned. “Do we have to? We just watched that one last week.”

“Yes. We. Do.” I changed the channel, adjusted the volume, then shoved the remote down the side of the cushions where he couldn’t reach it.

“Am I going to have to listen to you complaining about the things they got wrong for the entire time?”

I grinned. “You bet your ass you are.”


“Absolutely not.” Holley shook her head so fast I thought it was going to spin right off.

“What’s wrong with it? It’s a great design!”

“Saylor. People cannot walk around with that on their shirts or their coffee mugs.”

Kinsley picked up the printed mockup of the ‘I take a different man to bed every night’ design Tori had done a couple of days ago. “I don’t know. I like it. I think it’s funny. And true.”

Holley looked at her. “Whose side are you on?”