Guy was nothin’ but devote adoration.

Had more respect for that than I could express. Which was an entirely separate reason guilt kept slogging through my bloodstream. My loyalties muddled.

Slowing my pulse before it went racin’ again when the girl would glance my way. When she’d sneak a brush of those fingers through my beard or devour me with those eyes.

“I think I can handle it,” Maggie shouted back, lifting the glass in his direction.

“Question is if you can handle the hangover come tomorrow?” His expression was soft and playful.

“Don’t worry, Tamar here has me covered.”

“You know I do,” Tamar said.

Tamar’s present to Maggie had been a basket filled with a bunch of aftercare shit, Advil and Alka-Seltzer and Gatorade, not to mention this silky pajama set that I couldn’t wait to peel off her body.

Those eyes found me then, like she’d felt what I’d been thinking, and she started imagining the same damned thing.

That charcoal bright and glowing. Sketching a different story than the one I knew we were destined for.

My stomach fisted in want as I gazed at that angled, soft face.

Lips plush.

Chin firm and determined because this girl had her whole life waiting ahead of her and there was no question that she was going to tackle it with all the fierce kindness she had to offer.

She had those black locks curled into these gentle waves that spilled over her bare, seductive shoulders, the strappy blouse she wore coming up a little higher on her neck, no doubt to cover the wound that was hidden underneath.

Just thinking about it had a hidden geyser of protectiveness eruptin’ from within.

I didn’t bother to swallow it down. I let it fester around my heart and my fists because if I could give this girl one thing, it’d be her peace.

Stepping into the fray to stand for her.

Would take the brunt. Any fucking danger her bitch of a mother thought to send her way.


It made me irate.

Fact a woman could be so callous. Money the prize and not the fucking amazing daughter she’d been given.

But it was that cunt who was missin’ out. Missin’ out on this girl who sent me a secret smile.

Arm slung on the back of the booth, I smiled back.

Slow and casual while my insides shook.

My teeth gritted while I silently chanted, Don’t fall. Don’t fall.

Because I could feel myself teetering at the edge.

Ground crumbling.

Weak, weak, weak.

Thank God Royce stood and cleared his throat, giving me a reason to look at him and not his sister.

All the laughter and conversations died out around us, though the music still thundered from the speakers. He lifted his voice to shout over it as he turned his full attention to his sister. “Got a couple things I’d like to say on Maggie’s birthday.”

A round of shouts went up. “Whoop…Maggie!”

She grinned and blushed, and fuck, there she went, stealing another slice of me.

“I remember the day I got to meet you.” Emotion clotted Royce’s voice, and I could feel the love rushing out of Maggie.

A river that raged.

Was funny considering Royce was basically this scary motherfucker. Wearin’ a suit to a dive bar with all his tats leaking out from underneath. Though affection tweaked at his mouth and tenderness filled his gaze.

Was crazy how love could melt us into a puddle no matter how damned hard we were on the outside.

“You were this tiny little thing wrapped in pink blankets. I was jealous at first, when I snuck into your nursery and found our nanny, Maude, rocking you while she fed you a bottle. But then she called me over, and she let me get close so I could look at your face. I climbed up on the edge of the chair with my heart in my throat. I was kinda scared to even look at you. But then you opened your eyes and blinked up at me like you already knew me. I remember being startled because your eyes were the exact same color as mine. All it took was that one second to realize I’d never loved anything as much as I loved this little thing wrapped up in that pink blanket.”

Royce’s voice grew thick.

Maggie’s eyes filled with moisture.

Everyone oohed and awed and lifted their glasses while I struggled to breathe.

“I told Maude right then and there that you were mine, and that I would always take care of you.”

Maggie’s chin trembled while she tried to keep her emotions in check. “And you always have.”

He nodded hard. “And it’s been the biggest honor getting to be that person in your life, Maggie. Getting to watch you grow into a beautiful woman. Inside and out. And I always thought it was on me to teach you what life was all about. But it’s the other way around. You taught me what it means to love. To believe in possibility. To forgive. To chase down our dreams.”