To think I was begging him for my first kiss yesterday and now we’d done this.

Had somehow ended up in this moment.

And I had no idea where it would lead, but I was going to relish in being here.

With him.

I fell into that kiss.

My hands on his face.

My heart in his hands.

I whispered against his mouth, “I’ll be thinking about you.”

He pulled back. Blue eyes danced. “Believe me, Sweet Thing, I’ll be thinking about you.”

My teeth clamped my bottom lip as I smiled, like it might hold the avalanche of feeling inside.

This thing that bound us.

Beckoned us.

This bright, glowing beacon that gleamed and glittered. Begging for our surrender.

There was no doubt in my mind acknowledging it would send this broken boy running, so I did my best to keep it contained, and I turned from him, shuffling on bare feet across the floor and pausing to give him a small wave at the door.

He was leaned up on an elbow, that hulking body so gorgeous beneath the rays of morning light.

My stomach lodged itself in my throat.

“Have a great day, Sweet Thing.”

“Hope yours is even better, my stallion.”

His smile turned wistful, and I held onto the flash of his pain. Promised to hold it tight. Carry it until it didn’t weigh so much.

Then I ducked out, trying to clear the spinning in my head because oh my god…

I’d had sex.

And it was beautiful and perfect and more than I ever could have hoped.

That giddiness leapt, and I pressed both hands to my face and squealed my excitement into my palms, and then I caught my reflection in my vanity mirror as I was passing through for my room.

My cheeks pink and my eyes wide.

Every inch of me aglow.

I was pretty sure the grin I was wearing was going to be permanently carved there.

That was until I stumbled when I moved into my room, a gasp raking up my throat and punching the air. I clung to the bathroom door handle for support and tried not to let the panic get away from me.

I forced a light smile back to my face. “Oh, goodness, Emily, you scared me.”

She sat on the end of my bed with Amelia sleeping in her arms.

I waved a flustered hand behind me. “I was just in the bathroom.”

A frown formed between her eyes. “Maggie…that bathroom has been empty for the last thirty minutes that I’ve been sittin’ here.”

“Oh…I…” I scrambled for an explanation, rubbing my hand on the back of my neck as I looked into the bathroom, my heart running just about as fast as Rhys drove his flashy car.


I looked back at her, and the smile that took to her face was almost sad.

Worried and knowing and full of care. Everything that was my sister-in-law. “I heard you. With him.”

Horror took to my face, and she rushed to clarify, “No. Not that.” For a second, she looked horrified, too. Then she tilted her head to the side and widened her eyes, like the gesture would convey a secret. “But you clearly were wakin’ up next to him.”

I blew out a sigh, contemplated, glancing behind me once more before I snapped the door shut and edged into my room. I got down onto the floor in front of her, sitting crisscrossed with my hands clasped in my lap.

Amelia squirmed as she woke, and Emily shushed and bounced her, holding her close. “So…did you and he…?” she asked cautiously.

I nodded. “Yeah. We did.”

My whole being quivered with the thrill.

We did.

She almost shook her head, though there was affection riding out with her words. “That cowboy. Swear I knew it, the way he’s been lookin’ at you.”

“I guess I’ve been looking at him the same way.”

Nervously, Emily roughed her teeth over her bottom lip, looking at me with all that care. “I think it’s safe to say you have.” She paused, watching me with those intense green eyes. The love she held for me washed over me in waves. “How long?”

Air huffed from my nose. “Just last night. But I think…I think it’s been coming for a long time.”

Probably since the moment I met him.

Emily climbed down onto the floor to bring us eye-to-eye. Without a doubt, this wonderful woman was compelled to share my secret. With my sweet niece tucked to her chest, she exhaled, both worried and supportive. Making a clear statement that she was there for me, no matter what. “Wow…so last night was the first time? That’s…how do you feel?” she settled on, watching me for any sign that I might fall apart.

“Do you really want to know?”

She quirked an annoyed big-sister brow, somehow both nosy and filled with compassion. “Obviously. And don’t you dare lie to me.”

Hugging my knees to my chest, I rocked back, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. Still, the truth was tumbling from my tongue, “Amazing.”