And he smiled. Smiled softly. “Yeah?”

“So much yes.”

I clawed my nails into his shoulders when he started to move because god, everything about him was big and overwhelming.

His hips started to rock and jut. Tiny movements at first, the man keeping watch on all the pieces he was holding in fear one might get loose.

But the truth was, I’d never felt as whole as I did right then.

So right with his massive body covering mine, as he filled me again and again, as our bodies picked up a perfect rhythm.

His breaths turned shallow and he worked me into a needy, whimpering puddle of greed.

Pinpricks of pleasure licked across my flesh.

I was sure I was going to catch fire.

The way my belly tightened and everything throbbed. As I raced for that beautiful destination, Rhys leading the way.

Setting both hands on either side of my head, he pushed his weight onto them.

So glorious where he gazed down on me.

The longer pieces of his hair fell around his striking, powerful face. Sweat beaded at his temples, and his tongue raked over his lips as he grunted, “Goddess Girl. Fuck. So good.”

My head rocked back on his pillow, and my hips met his thrust for thrust. “More. Please. I need you.”

“I know, baby. I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”

Everything grew frantic.




The intensity we shared burning us up.

Eating us alive.

He dropped to his elbows and angled a different way. “Sweet Siren. Shit.”

He hit me in a spot that made me gasp and writhe and beg him for more. “Rhys…you…need you.”

And he gave it.

Took me harder and deeper because he knew those pieces were safe with him. And he was spreading me by the knees and driving me into oblivion.

To where it was only music and song.

Stars and the deepest night.

Rhys and me.

Rhys and me.

And there, with him, I splintered apart. Pleasure burst. Erupted. Laid every inch of me to waste. Gasping, my hips came from the bed, desperate to get closer to him.

To get lost in this perfection forever. To meet him there.

And I was suddenly gathered back up, my back barely touching the bed, the man taking me with him as he rocked and thrust.

“Maggie.” He choked and lifted me by the waist. “Fuck, Maggie.”

And then he was with me.

That ecstasy offered to me as he surrendered to it. Every muscle in his body tensed and pulsed as he came.

We floated together.

In a place we needed no words to understand. Where it was real and right and there were no lies or secrets or pasts standing between us.

Where it was us.

We stayed there forever. For not nearly long enough.

Before we slowly drifted down.

Still, he held me, his mouth at my temple. “Maggie. Sweet Thing. Tell me you’re okay. That I didn’t hurt you.”

Dread filled his voice.

His regret trying to stage an assault.

I hugged him fiercely. “I’ve never felt safer, more beautiful, freer, than I do right now.”

Relief left him on a breath, and he curled his arms tighter and nodded against my head.

Clinging to me the same way I clung to him.

After a long time, our holds loosened, and he let my weight fall back to the mattress. Though he didn’t go far. He propped himself up on his elbows, the man still pinning me to the bed.

He brushed back my hair as our breaths evened.

That same energy lapped, but it’d been lulled into a quieted peace.

Then Rhys grinned. This sweet, wicked smirk that made me weak all over again. “Must’ve died and went to heaven. Goddess Girl.” He traced his finger along the angle of my chin.

My teeth raked my bottom lip, like maybe it stood a chance of holding back the affection that bled free.


“I thought I told you to stop calling me that or else I might get the idea that I have a chance with you?”

Sadness drifted through his smile. “Clearly it’s me who doesn’t stand a chance.”



I stared down at the girl who gazed up at me. Two of us locked. A tangle of limbs and erratically beatin’ hearts.

It was certified.

A little checkmark next to my name.

I had officially lost it.

Gone so reckless that I could feel the devastation simmerin’ at the edges of my sight. Collecting at the farthest edge of the ocean. Coming like a tsunami. Gathering strength as it rushed forward with the full intention to annihilate.

Just loved to play with fire, didn’t I?

But I wasn’t sure I could stomp out these flames if I tried.

No way to turn from the one who made it feel like something bigger might be possible.

A way out.

An escape.

Like she might see all I was responsible for and still find something worthy to keep around, anyway.

Swore to God, there was a sanctuary in those charcoal eyes.

Understanding and goodness and all the things I knew better than hopin’ for.

This girl who’d swooped in without warnin’ and ensnared me.