Of course, that misery had reached an all-time high when the girl had been in my bed, offering me something I knew she would one day regret.

Touching her and not really being able to touch her.

Not in the way we were dyin’ to do.

My poor, destitute dick was half inclined to stage a revolt. Problem was, he was so not interested in anything or anyone except for the one who was makin’ me lose my mind.

My control.

My sanity.

I zipped around a car, slowing quick as I came into the small beachside town that was nothing but quaint and quiet and peace.

“Thank fuck,” Richard mumbled under his breath.

“See, you lived. When are you gonna learn to trust me, man?” I said it like I was all broken up about it.

“Uh, when you get your license permanently revoked?”

“Rude. And here I was nice enough to haul your sorry ass all the way into Savannah.” I tsked.

Richard’s brow twisted up in disbelief. “You practically begged me.”


“Whatever, man. You sure you’re okay?” This time he really was frowning, shifting in his seat to get a better look at me as I came to a stop at a red light.

“I’m great. Why wouldn’t I be?” I shrugged it.

“Because you haven’t been fully great in a lot of years.” Worry filled his voice.

My head shook. “All in the past.” I said it with as much conviction as I could.

My oldest friend looked at me harder. “That’s such bullshit, man. Can see it written all over you, and the older you get, the clearer it becomes. How long are you gonna drag that guilt around?”

Was he serious?


“Was my fault.”

All of it.

Both of them.

“No, man.”

My teeth ground. “Let’s not do this, yeah?”

“Funny how you had your obnoxious ass all up in my shit when I wanted to ignore it,” he pushed. “Rubbing my nose in what I didn’t want to acknowledge and forcing me to face it. And thank God you did.”

I shot him a glare as I accelerated through the intersection. “And there was somethin’ you could do to fix it. A way to change it. And you know I can’t.”

No way to unwrite what had been written.

“Wasn’t your fault, man.” His voice twisted in some kind of plea.

I just nodded in hopes it would make him drop the bullshit.

We’d gotten into the main area of town that was filled with little shops and cafés, touristy as all get out. Richard pointed at one of the shops on the corner. “There’s that place Shea recommended, Calypso’s. Let’s grab some coffees and donuts for the crew before we head back.”

“Winnin’ points with the wifey.”

Richard cracked a grin. “Always.”

Good with me. I was basically game for any distraction.

I made a left and slipped into one of the angled spots that ran along the narrow street.

Here, the sidewalks were filled with people roaming in their beach attire. Not a whole lot of cares for the day except for relaxing and laying in the sand.

We climbed out and headed for the small coffee shop on the corner. A few bistro tables were set up outside, situated under colorful umbrellas.

I followed Richard inside, the bell jingling as the door swooped open. Instantly, I was struck with the smell of coffee and freshly baked pastries.

But it was the girl who overwhelmed my senses.

The girl who was at the counter smiling at the barista as she took an iced coffee topped with whipped cream.

“Maggie,” Richard said, all warm and affable. He loped toward her. “What are you doing here?”

He didn’t make it all the way to her before the girl welcomed me with the tracing of those charcoal eyes. Like she was drawing me in picture. Writing me in want.

Heat tracing my flesh like the images she was weavin’ in her mind.


She had my knees knocking all over again.

I stood there awkwardly while Richard hugged her tight.

Maggie giggled in that sweet, deep way. Like even though the conversation was casual, she saw into the fullness of it, experienced all the layers. And she had a way of takin’ me there, too.

“Well, I had the whole afternoon off, so I thought I would do a little exploring. Shea has been gushing about these, so I had to see for myself.”

She waved the cup in the air.

I had to restrain myself from going caveman. No different than her freaking brother when I wanted to tell her it wasn’t safe. That she shouldn’t be out here roamin’ on her own.

Not when that day was still so vivid in my mind.

Her fear.

This feeling that there was something going on way deeper than she was lettin’ on.

I guessed I told her anyway with the way I angled around Richard, acting like I was doing the same as him, making this girl feel welcome and a part of our Carolina George family when I hugged her.