“Hey, Rhys.” Vulnerability filled her voice.

No doubt, I’d overheard somethin’ yesterday that she definitely had not wanted me to hear.

It’d only stoked my worry.

Made me all the more certain she’d been lying to her brother.

“How are you feelin’?”

“Not too bad. A little sore.”

Melanie moved forward. “I heard what happened. That is crazy scary. I’m sorry.”

Maggie trembled a half smile. “Luckily, I wasn’t hurt.”


Could feel Mel glancing between us.

Couldn’t make myself look her way. My attention locked on this girl who was doin’ me in.

“Guess what?” Damn it. I couldn’t help myself.

Maggie’s brow twisted. “What?”

“I’m gonna write a song. Best damn song that’s ever been written. Band plans to put it on the album if it’s good enough.”


I was really layin’ it on thick. Trying to impress a girl I really shouldn’t be impressing. What I should have been doing was encouraging her to run for the hills in the opposite direction.

The real fucked up part was I worried I might follow her into them.

“Oh.” A true smile pulled at her mouth, and that charcoal dimmed and danced. Like she was contemplating somethin’. “I don’t doubt that. I have faith in you.”

I suddenly got pushed on the shoulder, nothing but sarcasm rolling from Mel when she tried to steal the attention. “He better. Otherwise he has to ditch the whole bad boy player reputation. Hashtag and all.”

Maggie’s eyes shifted again. Surprise and curiosity before they fell into something painfully sweet. “He doesn’t seem so bad to me.”

Well fuck.

Then Melanie howled. “Have you met him?”

I slammed my hand over my heart. “Well, thanks a lot, Mells Bells. Way to go throwing all this deliciousness under the bus.”

Mel shoved me again. “You wish.”

I laughed and Maggie giggled.

And shit.

I loved the way that sounded.

And I realized I was back to staring at her. Was that a dopey smile I was wearing?


Definitely a dopey smile.

Couldn’t help that shit.

Not when that redness streaked across Maggie’s flesh. Something palpable and real.

Ready to burn both of us.

Maggie finally snapped out of the tether holding us hostage. “Oh, let me get out of your way. Just going to pop in and out really quick.” It was her turn for her voice to be about five times too high.

She moved in the direction of the huge butler’s kitchen and pantry off the back of the main kitchen, tossing out the question as she moved that way, “So, why are you sitting around here? Shouldn’t you be working on that song?”

Her tone was playful, genuine as she ducked through the door.

I was still stuck, standing there staring at where she disappeared before she came back out.

I might have heaved out in relief.

Like missing out on those five seconds she’d been in there had been too much.

She stepped back into the main kitchen with a case of water.

“Not, yet. Working out some ideas with Mells Bells here.”

Mel coughed a bullshit.

Maggie just smiled soft, standing there, balancing that water on the front of her thigh.

Her gaze went tender. Filled with her soft, sweet belief. “Well, wherever you find your inspiration, I know it’s going to ruin some hearts.”

“Hope so.”

She nodded then hefted the case.

And I realized I was standing there like a douche.

“Damn it, where is my mama to whip me into shape when I forget to be a gentleman?” I forced it out like a tease.

Clearly, I was distracted by the very thing I should be showing respect to. Suffice it to say my thoughts right then weren’t all that gentlemanly.

“Let me help you with that.”

She backed away. “No, I’m good, honest. Emily is taking a nap, and Royce has the baby, so it’d be better if I slipped in and slipped out.”

“Are you sure?”


In reluctance, I gave her a small nod. “Okay then.”

“See you later. Glad you made it into town safely, Melanie.”

“Thanks, Maggie. Let’s catch up tonight over dinner.”

“Sounds good,” Maggie called as she dipped out through the archway and down the hall that led to the smaller staircase that I’d sneaked in with her just a couple nights before.

Silently, Mel and I watched her go, and when she disappeared out of earshot, Mel whirled on me. She was already pointing before she’d turned all the way around. “Don’t you dare, Cowboy.”

“Cowboy? How many times do I have to tell you, it’s Sta—”

She jabbed me in the chest with that stabby finger.


Cutting me off.

“Oww,” I whined, clutching the spot.

She kept pointing at me, jabbing that finger into my sternum.

“I will cut your balls off if you even think about it,” she warned under her breath, glancing around once before looking back at me. “And Royce will literally kill you.” Her voice dropped lower. “Like, we will find your literal rotted, decayed body buried in a shallow grave. You think you’ve got trouble now?”

I lifted my hands in a placating fashion. “Don’t know what you’re—”