“Ouch.” I couldn’t help it. I could deny it all I wanted, but it freaking hurt. Still, I had to thank my lucky stars this was the worst of it.

“Dang it. There is a tiny piece of gravel stuck in there that I can’t quite get,” she whispered below her breath, trying to focus as she leaned in closer to get a better look.

“See…we need to go to the ER.” Royce was right there again, pushing his face into her space.

Emily shoved at him. Playful and one-hundred-percent serious. “Would you scoot?”

He straightened, crossing his arms with a huff.

She shifted around to look at him, gesturing at the door. “All the way out, mister. Go on. Maggie needs to get out of these clothes, and she doesn’t need you loiterin’ around, gettin’ in her way.”

Royce grumbled.

Emily sent him a silent look that I was betting said so many things.

Because he blew out a sigh and roughed a hand over his face. “Fine.” Then he shifted his attention to me. “Are you sure you’re good?”

“I promise.”

Reluctantly, he finally eased out the bathroom door and softly clicked it shut behind him.

Taking in one more worried glance before he went, of course.

On a soft giggle, Emily shook her head as she went back to cleaning my knee. Pure affection. “That man. He is about as overbearin’ as they come. Thinks he has to save the whole dang world.”


She peeked up at me. “That’s what sets him apart, though, you know. What makes him great. The fact he would lay down everythin’ for the ones he loves. For ones he doesn’t know, too.”

My smile was soft. “He’s probably the best man I know.”

Her smile turned wry, her green eyes sparking with playfulness. “But he’s still drivin’ you crazy.”

I giggled. “Completely.”

“He thinks he was meant to be your protector.”

“Obviously.” Playfulness rolled out, and for a flash, Emily’s expression was filled with it, too, before she sobered, her tongue swiping out to lick her lips as she looked at the floor. Worry seeped from her. Care and kindness. She finally looked at me. “Just…neither of us could handle it if somethin’ happened to you. We love you so much.”

I reached out and touched her cheek. “I love you, too. Both of you. You’ve given me more than I could ask for. I don’t think I can ever truly express what that means.”

Emily heaved out a choked laugh. “Us? I believe it’s the other way around. Our family is complete because of you, Maggie. Because you were brave enough to come to me and lay it all out.” She squeezed my uninjured knee. “Brave enough to share your story. Brave enough to step out and take a chance to make me see what was really going on with your brother. I hope you know that I will forever be grateful for that.”

Joy pressed full.

Overflowing my spirit.

Adoration spinning and spinning.

Emily and Royce had overcome huge obstacles finding their way to each other. It was an honor that I got to be a part of their story. That I played a small part in bringing them together in the end.

“That gratefulness will always go both ways,” I told her. “I am so thankful you took the chance. That you trusted enough in what I told you to go after what you wanted. To chase down what was right. And more than anything else, I’m grateful that you love my brother the way he deserves to be loved.”

Moisture filled Emily’s green, green eyes. “I hope you take that same advice, too. I hope you always go after what you want. After what you need. After what is right. That you believe when your heart is tellin’ you it’s the right thing to do. That you put yourself out there, take every opportunity, even when it might be scary. That you chase down your own joy.”

Mischief sparked in her gaze. “Even when your brother might throw a fit about it.”

A soft smile tugged at the edges of my mouth. “I intend to.”

Tenderness flooded the room as she puffed air from her nose, and she started to go back to work on my knee. I reached out and stopped her. “Honestly, I think what I really need right now is to get these clothes off and get a shower. I’m sure Amelia is needing you by now, anyway.”

With a frown, she sat back on her knees. “Are you sure?”

“Completely. I feel gross and just want to wash the day from my body.”

Exhaling, she pushed to her feet. “Alright, then. I’ll give you some privacy. Supplies are on the counter. If you think there is still something lodged in there when you get out, give me a holler and I’ll come dig it out.”

I smirked at her. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

A light chuckle rippled from her, and she dipped down and placed a kiss to the top of my head. “I’m so glad you weren’t hurt, my sweet sister. I was really worried when Royce got that call.”