I wouldn’t make the mistake of not safeguarding the rest.

I edged into the closet, crouching down, thinking of how many times I’d done it in the years I’d lived in my mother’s and father’s house. I’d done it out of fear. Because of the scars and the timidity.

Tonight, I did it out of ferocity.

I dialed Lily’s number, hating to wake her in the middle of the night, but I didn’t have another choice.

She answered on the second ring, her voice groggy but immediately on edge. “Maggie. Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

I kept the words as quiet as I could. “Lily. Hi. Nothing’s wrong.” Saying it felt like a lie. “But, um, something came up, and I need to get this money to you. Ensure it’s safe. I’m going to bring it to you tonight.”

The trip had already been calculated in my mind. I’d have plenty of time to get to Dalton tonight, sleep for a bit, and then make the trip to Tennessee tomorrow. By then, Rhys and Royce would be frantic.

The thought of it riddled me with guilt. I shook myself free of the onslaught.

It was worth it. He was worth it.

I could hear the rustling of her covers, and I could tell Lily had sat up in bed. “What? What’s happening? Did someone threaten you again?”

“No. It’s Rhys. He’s…I have to take care of something for him.”

“Uh, you’re goin’ to have to elaborate.” Clearly, her own senses were kicking in. Sure that I was evading.

I swallowed down the worry. “Someone’s holding some things that happened to him over his head. Bad things. I’m going to meet them tomorrow to try to put an end to it, but not before I know this money is safe.”

She blew out the strain. “Oh, Maggie…this is…someone’s blackmailin’ him? Over what?”

My mind raced with that article, moisture clouding my eyes. I shoved it down for later. “It doesn’t matter. I just…I’m going to pay him, okay, but not before I know the rest is safe.”

“God, Maggie. I don’t think… Does Rhys know?”

“Of course not.” The man would literally make good on the threat to tie me to his bed if he even caught a whiff of it. I pushed the heel of my hand to my forehead. “Listen, I know it’s not the best of situations, but I have to do this. For him. Please don’t try to talk me out of it.”

I already knew it was probably useless.


This guy would most likely turn around and ask for more.

But I had to try. Had to fight for Rhys the way he was fighting for me.

She hesitated. “I don’t trust this, Maggie. You don’t know his intentions.”

I almost scoffed. “His intentions are clear, Lily. He wants money.”

She sighed heavily. “Fine. But no matter what, Kade is going with you to make sure you’re safe.”

I could feel her care from across the states.

“Okay.” I wouldn’t argue. She was right. Kade was ex-military and had kept Lily and the rest of the women protected until it was safe for them to come out of hiding. He was well-equipped.

My spirit trembled in a warning that this might be dangerous. I’d be a fool not to take every precaution.

“What’s going on, baby?” The rumbly, gruff voice caught through the line, and I knew Kade was waking up at Lily’s side. An unlikely pair, but so often the greatest connections were forged during the most excruciating trials.

“I’ll explain as soon as I’m off,” she murmured to him.

For a beat, I got locked in her joy. My chest stretched tight with hope against all the dread that was stretching me thin.

“I’ll be there in a couple hours,” I told her.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”


She exhaled. “Okay. Drive safe and keep me updated along the way. We’ll be waiting.”

“I will. Thank you.”

A storm of emotions whipped through me the second I ended the call.

Rhys’ suffering my own. And I prayed…I prayed that he wouldn’t break me the way I’d been so sure that he would. Prayed that our connection was bigger—stronger—than whatever this was.

I edged from the closet and over to the desk in my room. I pulled out a plain white piece of paper, and I wrote a quick letter, hoping he would understand, that he wouldn’t take this as another burden on his shoulders.

Then I folded it, molded it into us, the crude star left on my bed with all my love, sure he would find it.

Then I started to rush, shrugging on jeans and a tee and stuffing a few things into an overnight bag.

I dropped to my knees and dragged the duffle bags from under my bed. I loaded two on my shoulders, and then peered out my door into the stillness. When I found it clear, I slipped out and raced for the stairs as silently as I could.